Press release -

168 candidates world-wide for world's largest children's literature award.

168 candidates from more than 60 countries world-wide are nominated for world's largest children's literature award, totalling 5000000 SEK (approx 480, 000 EURO.)

More than 100 expert organisations from all over the world have nominated candidates for the 2010 Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award. Among the nominees are contemporary authors, illustrators, oral storytellers and promoters of reading. The award is given in memory of Astrid Lindgren, author of the much-loved Pippi Longstocking, in recognition of outstanding life-time achievements in the fields of children's and young adult literature.

The winner or winners will be announced at 13.00 CET, March 24, 2010 from the birth-place of Astrid Lindgren in Vimmerby, Sweden. The annonucement will be broadcasted live online at

For a complete list of nominees, visit

Contact info:

Jury chairman Larry Lempert
+4676-123 12 20

Director Erik Titusson
+4676-540 10 08

The Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award (ALMA) is the world's largest prize for children's and young adult literature. The award, which amounts to SEK 5 million, is awarded annually to a single recipient or to several. Authors, illustrators, oral storytellers and those active in reading promotion may be rewarded. The award is designed to promote interest in children's and young adult literature, and in children's rights, globally. An expert jury selects the winners from candidates nominated by institutions and organisations worldwide. The Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award is administered by the Swedish Arts Council.


  • Art, Culture, Entertainment


André Vifot Haas

Press contact Communications Officer 0046 76-540 10 33