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The Astrid Lindgren Group Makes Major Digital Investment with the Launch of New E-commerce Business

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The Astrid Lindgren Group Makes Major Digital Investment with the Launch of New E-commerce Business

The Astrid Lindgren Group is taking a significant step into the world of e-commerce. With the newly established company Astrid Lindgren Butiken AB (The Astrid Lindgren Store), the group has launched an e-commerce platform offering the market's most extensive range of licensed products from Astrid Lindgren's world of stories. In connection with this, Linnea Westerlund has taken on the role of CEO of Astrid Lindgren Butiken AB.

The initiative aims to create a digital universe where facts and products coexist, deepening access to Astrid Lindgren and her beloved characters. Visitors to astridlindgren.com will have the opportunity to step into Astrid Lindgren's magical world from various perspectives. From classic characters like Pippi Longstocking, Emil in Lönneberga, and Ronja, the Robber's Daughter to lesser-known but equally loved characters, a variety of products are presented to enhance the experience of the stories.

Expansion in Europe
The significant investment in e-commerce is part of the group's effort not only to expand its operations domestically but also to establish sales in new markets. The focus is particularly on Germany, considered a key market for the Astrid Lindgren Group.

"E-commerce has been part of the Astrid Lindgren Group for over 20 years, initially emerging from demand from visitors to the Astrid Lindgren's World theme park," says Linnea Westerlund, the new CEO of Astrid Lindgren Butiken AB. "It feels like a natural step for e-commerce to now stand on its own, and it's an honor to lead the company forward in an expansive and exciting phase. We have had excellent results since the launch in October 2023 and see significant potential ahead."

"The investment in our own e-commerce is a crucial strategic step for the Astrid Lindgren Group in our effort to become even more successful in spreading Astrid Lindgren's works internationally, and it's incredibly exciting to announce that Linnea Westerlund is taking on the role as CEO." says Nils Nyman, chairman of Astrid Lindgren's Vimmerby AB and The Astrid Lindgren Company.

Linnea Westerlund assumed the role of CEO in January 2024. She has previously worked with digital business within the group.

Linnea Westerlund, CEO, The Astrid Lindgren Store
0790-77 33 39

Nils Nyman, chairman, Astrid Lindgrens Vimmerby AB and The Astrid Lindgren Company
070-607 39 39

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Astrid Lindgren Aktiebolag ägs av Astrid Lindgrens barn och barnbarn. I dagsläget är 17 personer anställda på företaget, de flesta är specialiserade på olika typer av rättighetsområden. Vi sitter i Stockholm men vår verksamhet sträcker sig över hela jorden. I grund och botten bygger vår verksamhet på en kärlek till Astrid Lindgren och hennes verk. Vi är övertygade om att världen behöver Astrid Lindgren – kanske mer än någonsin.


Anna Forslund

Anna Forslund

Presskontakt Communications Manager 0734-444 830

Astrid Lindgren Aktiebolag äger och förvaltar de rättigheter som är associerade med Astrid Lindgren och hennes författarskap.

Vi verkar för att värna hennes verk och föra konstnärskapet vidare till nya generationer.

I grund och botten bygger vår verksamhet på en kärlek till Astrid Lindgren och hennes verk. Den kärleken vill vi sprida till så många barn och vuxna som möjligt i framtiden. Vi vill att utvecklingen ska ske på ett sätt som bevarar originalet och Astrid Lindgrens känsla.

Astrid Lindgren Aktiebolag (The Astrid Lindgren Company)

Östermalmsgatan 87 C, 4 tr
114 59 Stockholm