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New Licensing Manager at Saltkråkan  – The Astrid Lindgren Company

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New Licensing Manager at Saltkråkan – The Astrid Lindgren Company

During the summer, Jessica Eriksson has been appointed Licensing Manager at Saltkråkan AB. It’s a new position created to strengthen Saltkråkan’s work with products related to Astrid Lindgren’s books and characters. Jessica Eriksson has a long experience of brand licensing from, among others, TV4’s licensing department and as a Nordic license agent.

– It’s an honour to work with the cultural treasure that Astrid Lindgren created and to contribute to cherishing it as well spreading it to new markets, Jessica Eriksson says. I’m very proud to be a part of Saltkråkan – The Astrid Lindgren Company.

More and more companies and organisations turn to Saltkråkan with ideas about new products. The international license business expands – Astrid Lindgren’s books are published all over the world and there is a big demand for licensing products.

As new films and TV series based on Astrid Lindgren’s books are produced, the number of licensing programs are increasing. One example is the new animated TV series, Ronja, The Robber's Daughter, co-produced by Japanese Studio Ghibli.

– I’m very glad that Jessica Eriksson has chosen Saltkråkan, Tobias Mannheimer, Head of Licensing at Saltkråkan, says. Her experience from the licensing business is a welcome contribution. Jessica Eriksson complements our department with her competence and her network.

– The recruitment of Jessica Eriksson is a part of Saltkråkan’s ambition to increase the level of service and strengthen the cooperation with both existing and new licensees, Olle Nyman, CEO at Saltkråkan, says. With Jessica Eriksson on board we continue our work with securing that all licensing products meet our high demands of quality and faithfulness to both the original works and Astrid Lindgren’s values.

Saltkråkan – The Astrid Lindgren Company owns and manages the rights associated with Astrid Lindgren and her authorship. The aim of the company is to protect her life’s work and to pass on her artistry to coming generations.

For more information:

Olle Nyman, CEO, +46 73 981 44 66, olle.nyman@saltkrakan.se

Cilla Nergårdh, PR- & Marketing Manager, + 46 709 38 46 52, cilla.nergardh@saltkrakan.se




Anna Forslund

Anna Forslund

Presskontakt Communications Manager 0734-444 830

Astrid Lindgren Aktiebolag äger och förvaltar de rättigheter som är associerade med Astrid Lindgren och hennes författarskap.

Vi verkar för att värna hennes verk och föra konstnärskapet vidare till nya generationer.

I grund och botten bygger vår verksamhet på en kärlek till Astrid Lindgren och hennes verk. Den kärleken vill vi sprida till så många barn och vuxna som möjligt i framtiden. Vi vill att utvecklingen ska ske på ett sätt som bevarar originalet och Astrid Lindgrens känsla.

Astrid Lindgren Aktiebolag (The Astrid Lindgren Company)

Östermalmsgatan 87 C, 4 tr
114 59 Stockholm