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Screenshot from the game Emil in Lönneberga by Ravn Studio
Screenshot from the game Emil in Lönneberga by Ravn Studio

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Ravn Studio releases new game about Emil in Lönneberga

A completely new game about Emil in Lönneberga is now available on the App Store and Google Play! The Emil character celebrated his 60th Anniversary in 2023, and in celebration, Ravn Studio has developed the first game app based on Astrid Lindgren's beloved stories, featuring Björn Berg's delightful illustrations.

The app is a pleasant game for the youngest children (4+) with lots of good Emil vibes. There's plenty of fun to be had around Katthult farm in Småland with Emil and his little sister Ida. When Emil plays a prank, you can hear his father Anton's familiar "Eeeeeeemiiil!" all over Lönneberga. Then it's time to run to the carpenter's shed as fast as possible. Players can also go fishing with Emil and his good friend, farmhand Alfred, take a horseback ride on Lukas, catch chickens, carve wooden figures, or do some of Emil's well-known pranks—such as hoisting his little sister Ida up the flagpole, lighting the mayor's birthday fireworks, or getting the pig to jump. In several mini-games, you can compete against a friend.

The game is tailored for the youngest players with voiceovers in Norwegian, Swedish, and Sami. The game features original music by Georg Riedel.

"We are delighted that Emil can now be encountered on an entirely new platform. His world on Katthult farm in Lönneberga has become an entertaining game app filled with mischief that we hope many will appreciate!"
Johan Palmberg, Content Manager at The Astrid Lindgren Company and Astrid Lindgren's great-grandchild.

The Astrid Lindgren Company, the rights company that manages Astrid Lindgren's legacy, wanted a video game based on the well-known and beloved stories. The motto for the 60th anniversary campaign is "Mischief is good!" because Emil has his own creative way of solving challenges, and there are never malicious intentions behind his pranks. As Emil himself says: "Mischief is not something you plan; it just happens."

Drammen-based Ravn Studio has previously developed the game about Pippi Longstocking for Nintendo DS and 3DS. The game about Emil in Lönneberga is developed for mobiles and tablets (iOS/Android) in collaboration with Rockpocket Games in Tønsberg.

"It has been a true delight to dive into all the wonderful stories about Emil in Lönneberga and to give new generations of children the opportunity to get to know—and play with—Astrid Lindgren's fantastic universe on a platform they are familiar with."
Tinka Town, Creative Producer, Ravn Studio AS

Contact RAVN STUDIO AS: post@ravnstudio.no

Ravn Studio AS is among Norway's most experienced game companies, having released over 20 game titles on all platforms since 2006. Primarily, they have developed games for children, but also for an older audience. Many of the games are based on other well-known Nordic brands such as Flåklypa Grand Prix, Captain Sabertooth, Pippi Longstocking, Knerten, and Blåfjell. The company is owned and operated by Stine Wærn and Tinka Town, and their international, experienced development team is based in Drammen (www.ravnstudio.no).

The Astrid Lindgren Company is owned by Astrid Lindgren’s children and grandchildren. There are currently 16 people employed by the company, most of whom are experts in different fields of copyright. We are based in Stockholm, but our work covers the globe. The foundation on which our work is built is the love of Astrid Lindgren and her work. We are convinced that the world needs Astrid Lindgren – perhaps now more than ever before.

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Anna Forslund

Anna Forslund

Presskontakt Communications Manager 0734-444 830

Astrid Lindgren Aktiebolag äger och förvaltar de rättigheter som är associerade med Astrid Lindgren och hennes författarskap.

Vi verkar för att värna hennes verk och föra konstnärskapet vidare till nya generationer.

I grund och botten bygger vår verksamhet på en kärlek till Astrid Lindgren och hennes verk. Den kärleken vill vi sprida till så många barn och vuxna som möjligt i framtiden. Vi vill att utvecklingen ska ske på ett sätt som bevarar originalet och Astrid Lindgrens känsla.

Astrid Lindgren Aktiebolag (The Astrid Lindgren Company)

Östermalmsgatan 87 C, 4 tr
114 59 Stockholm