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A-förpackning and Bröderna Ljungquist become aPak.

A-förpackning AB, one of Sweden’s fastest growing and most comprehensive packaging companies is changing its name to aPak, a single brand that will encompass the company’s A-förpackning and Bröderna Ljungquist business units. The new brand is part of the company’s strategic growth plan and will expand the operations of the two previous units under a new brand and a new website.
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Peter Borgelöv

Presskontakt Webmaster 031-7212216

Evelina Lindgren

Presskontakt Managing Director 031-721 22 14

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A-förpackning and Bröderna Ljungquist become aPak.

A-förpackning AB, one of Sweden’s fastest growing and most comprehensive packaging companies is changing its name to aPak, a single brand that will encompass the company’s A-förpackning and Bröderna Ljungquist business units. The new brand is part of the company’s strategic growth plan and will expand the operations of the two previous units under a new brand and a new website.