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AkzoNobel reports record profitability in Q1 2017

• Record profitability, with higher EBIT1, return on sales (ROS)2 and return on investment (ROI)3 • Revenue up across all Business Areas and 7% overall, mainly due to higher volumes and acquisitions • Volumes up 4% driven by Decorative Paints and Specialty Chemicals • Full-year EBIT expected to be around €100 million higher than 2016, excluding any substantial changes in market conditions
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Linda von Platen

Presskontakt Communications Manager Nordics + 46 705 31 93 80

Relaterat innehåll

AkzoNobel reports record profitability in Q1 2017

• Record profitability, with higher EBIT1, return on sales (ROS)2 and return on investment (ROI)3 • Revenue up across all Business Areas and 7% overall, mainly due to higher volumes and acquisitions • Volumes up 4% driven by Decorative Paints and Specialty Chemicals • Full-year EBIT expected to be around €100 million higher than 2016, excluding any substantial changes in market conditions