Airwatergreen’s spinoff Drupps will compete in XPRIZE, the world’s most prestigious tech-competition for solving humanity’s greatest challenges

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Airwatergreen’s spinoff Drupps will compete in XPRIZE, the world’s most prestigious tech-competition for solving humanity’s greatest challenges

Drupps, a spinoff from Uppsala-based air treatment pioneer Airwatergreen and focusing on atmospheric water production, is developing a game-changing technology for large-scale water production from air. Drupps now announces that it will compete in XPRIZE, the world’s most prestigious tech-competition for solving global challenges.
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Bo Tiderman

Presskontakt CEO +46 70 581 82 72

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Airwatergreen’s spinoff Drupps will compete in XPRIZE, the world’s most prestigious tech-competition for solving humanity’s greatest challenges

Drupps, a spinoff from Uppsala-based air treatment pioneer Airwatergreen and focusing on atmospheric water production, is developing a game-changing technology for large-scale water production from air. Drupps now announces that it will compete in XPRIZE, the world’s most prestigious tech-competition for solving global challenges.