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Dr Christian Löwbeer is Medical Director at SYNLAB Sverige AB.
Dr Christian Löwbeer is Medical Director at SYNLAB Sverige AB.

Nyhet -

SYNLAB Sverige AB sets up one new clinic in Gothenburg and one in Mölndal

SYNLAB Sverige is a medically accredited laboratory that offers clinical support for companies, healthcare and researchers who need to perform clinical tests of any kind. The range of services is generous, thanks to the expertise gathered within SYNLAB. No test and verification project is too big, SYNLAB can facilitate any project and thus help take it further.

Dr Christian Löwbeer is Medical Director at SYNLAB Sverige. He is very proud of the way the company has been able to recruit projects without actually having advertised for them.

“We have not been very visible in various media, but we are well-known in a more or less closed circle of developers and providers within healthcare. We have a lot of expertise and we use the latest technology to perform all kinds of laboratory testing services within healthcare, but also on behalf of researchers and drug developers”, says Dr Löwbeer.

Why Gothenburg?

SYNLAB has a strong presence in the Stockholm – Uppsala region, and a long history of providing laboratory services from there. In 2023, SYNLAB has established one new satellite laboratorie in Gothenburg and one in Mölndal to extend our capacity with a strong focus on this region. The services will be of the same nature as before.

“Gothenburg has an expansive life science environment that we want to be a part of”, says Christian Löwbeer.

SYNLAB has many Gothenburg-based partnerships, and hope to strengthen them now that the company has not one but two facilities in the region. Being geographically close to partners has its perks. One clinic is in the city center of Gothenburg, and one is set up in GoCo Health Innovation City.

Why GoCo?

Why is GoCo Health Innovation City the perfect place to be?

“We see GoCo as the perfect place for us as it allows us to set up business close to both healthcare and research facilities. We offer services to both, and we thrive on collaboration with both” everything for our common patients, Dr Löwbeer clarifies.

GoCo Health Innovation City gathers the best talents, the best innovators and the best companies within life science. They get a chance to collaborate through GoCo Arena, a creative community platform also defining the culture within GoCo Health Innovation City.

In conclusion, Dr Christian Löwbeer: “Exchange of knowledge and ideas is something that we really look forward to now when we are a part of the development at GoCo”.

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Maria Lind

Presskontakt Journalist Affärstidningen Näringsliv 0762-053496

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