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Everything is based on making the most out of digital technology, applying it in new ways to fit our clients’ needs”, explains Russell Clark, Business Director at Humblebee.
Everything is based on making the most out of digital technology, applying it in new ways to fit our clients’ needs”, explains Russell Clark, Business Director at Humblebee.

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Make the most of your digital journey – Humblebee will lead the way

Humblebee works across disciplines and borders. What Humblebee does best is acting like a catalyst for taking corporate ideas and solutions further. This is very important to any company wishing to expand into new markets by making the most out of new technology. Humblebee helps companies translate visions into reality.

It may sound like boasting, stating that Humblebee can make dreams come true. In fact, that is the very foundation of the company’s mission. Humblebee is a digital service studio focusing on making each client reach their full digital potential and creating better business opportunities in the process.

“Many of the clients we work with today have mature products. Some have products that were introduced over 50 years ago, like for example wound care products. How can they renew their concept and expand their vision, with products that look the same as they did 50 years ago? We help them create new business models, opening new opportunities on new markets. We can also help them to deepen their relationships with existing customers. Everything is based on making the most out of digital technology, applying it in new ways to fit our clients’ needs”, explains Russell Clark, Business Director at Humblebee.

Mature or new products, it does not matter to Humblebee. All ideas, often with a distinct user pain-point as inspiration, deserve to be explored further, eventually bringing the best digital services to many.

Digital solutions to open new opportunities

It is when you find new ways to apply digital technology to solve old problems that magic happens. You can reach so much further if you dare to employ design thinking and a more experimental approach to your digital journey.

However, making the digital journey can be a long-winded road for many. Humblebee helps clients through the various stages of digitising their business, communicating with their customers and partners, reaching out to new markets and creating opportunities for growth.

“We have a broad range of services. For example, we help clients test and validate new business models, obviously on the back of a new technical service we’ve created with them. We work across disciplines, we address almost all segments, and we can tailor our services to all.

Naturally the needs of a large enterprise will differ significantly to that of a start-up. “We have worked with both categories, and everything in between”, clarifies Martin Gaffron, Business Designer at Humblebee. “Ironically the larger companies now need to embrace the ‘bootstrapping’ ways of working most historically applied by start-ups!”

Life Science is an interesting segment for Humblebee. The needs of pharmaceutical developers, medtech developers and new cell and gene therapy developers, all have in common that they can reach further by employing smarter digital services into their offerings.

First on site

Humblebee was the first digital service developer to set up office in GoCo Health Innovation City. The company is still fairly small, employing around 60 experts in various roles within digital business development. However, that boutique design studio set-up allows Humblebee to tackle services of critical business value with select companies.

“Being first in means we had the opportunity to start building collaborations with key stakeholders at GoCo. We’re proud to say we were first on site with our flag in the sand! This is a vital part of the business landscape in West Sweden for decades to come”, says Russell Clark.

GoCo is expanding to become a city within the city. This presents excellent opportunities for Humblebee to build a strong foundation for future collaborations. Based on the company value words diversity, equality and respect, Humblebee will continue to empower companies wishing to expand their horizons with the help of digital solutions.

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Maria Lind

Presskontakt Journalist Affärstidningen Näringsliv 0762-053496

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