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Kemira’s products contribute to millions of people worldwide having access to clean drinking water.
Kemira’s products contribute to millions of people worldwide having access to clean drinking water.

Nyhet -

Kemira contributes to a better world

Kemira is constantly developing new methods to manufacture sustainable chemicals. The goal is to make tomorrow a little better than today. At Kemira in Helsingborg, for many years, previous production has been replaced with more sustainable alternatives in the form of new technology, new raw materials and methods.

Kemira requires many different skills to succeed in the task of developing and scaling up the production of sustainable chemicals. Above all, specially trained competence is sought, both recent graduates and more senior employees with a few years’ experience from the industry.

“Specially trained competence often refers to a post-secondary degree from a technical college or university, but for us at Kemira, it means competence that is directed towards the areas we need to strengthen, such as electricians with the authorisation for calibration and instruments. We need well-educated electricians, mechanics and process operators with an industrial technical background, among other things”, explains Anders Farsnäs, HR Manager at Kemira.

There is a large intermediate segment between upper secondary school and university, and in this segment rests a large part of the competence that Kemira seeks and needs to continue growing.

“Electricians specialising in electricity and energy have a different educational profile than students with an electricity and construction profile, but they begin their education at the same school. For us, it is important that we, as an industrial company and a major employer in Helsingborg, get to meet the students already during the first year, so that we can show them what opportunities exist within our industry and specifically at our company. Otherwise, we risk losing future recruitment opportunities because the majority of students choose construction instead”, Anders Farsnäs continues.

Anders also emphasises that it is the duty of all industrial companies to get involved in the school’s work and convey to students an accurate picture of what modern industry actually does, what it is like to work within the industry and not least what great development opportunities there are. If not everyone gets involved, the future recruitment base will not be particularly comprehensive.

“Chemistry with a purpose”

Kemira works very long-term and this applies to everything the company undertakes.

“Kemira is a good and stable company to work for. We have a strong brand that is associated with development, and we have been a leader over time when it comes to the development of new, sustainable chemicals, or green chemicals. Our focus today is to contribute to the necessary transition and to work for increased sustainability from all perspectives”, says Peter Kihlgren, MD and site manager at Kemira Kemi AB.

“Our motto is “Chemistry with a purpose”, he continues. “This means that everything we do must have a clear benefit. It could be, for example, better resource utilisation or lower climate and environmental impact. Kemira is a world leader in chemical water purification, and our plant in Helsingborg is globally the most important for manufacturing of these types of products. However, for us who work with different types of chemical products, safety is always the highest priority. This applies throughout the manufacturing and supply chain, i.e. in our own production facilities, but also how our products are transported to customers and used there in a safe manner”.

Water is our most important foodstuff and water purification is a global concern. Kemira's products contribute to millions of people worldwide having access to clean drinking water. “We also help various industrial customers purify their process water and thus reduce both their water consumption and environmental impact”, explains Peter Kihlgren. Kemira also works with products and expertise to improve customers' sustainability, product quality and resource utilisation with a major focus on the pulp and paper industry.

Kemira's focus and ambition is rooted in a holistic approach to sustainability and resource utilisation. “Having a strong and clear sustainability profile is also in fact a way to distinguish yourself on the labor market”, summarises Peter Kihlgren.

Kemira's organisation is a living organism that, like the outside world, constantly changes and develops. As they are currently searching for different talents in Helsingborg – take the opportunity to change the world with Kemira!

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Maria Lind

Presskontakt Journalist Affärstidningen Näringsliv 0762-053496

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