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Aldina Pivodic, PhD, Senior Statistician
Aldina Pivodic, PhD, Senior Statistician

Nyhet -

Innovative and efficient statistical solutions for life science research

Effective collaboration between different professions is the cornerstone of exceptional research! We learn from history to make a better future, that is why collecting and processing data is such an important task. Performing statistical analyses is one thing, understanding it is another. APNC Sweden can help you design, understand and maximize the potential of your research data.

APNC Sweden is a consulting company specialized in statistics, more precisely medical statistics and development of prediction models for evidence-based medical and clinical research.

”Our business concept is to offer high-quality, innovative and efficient statistical solutions for life science research”, explains Aldina Pivodic, CEO APNC Sweden. “What makes us unique is our ability to transform research questions into relevant statistical solutions. By asking the right questions at the early stages of projects, we ensure their success”.

Aldina Pivodic explains that at APNC, keeping a holistic approach is key. “We are aware that communication between statisticians/mathematicians and researchers/sponsors can often be complex. Therefore, we place great emphasis on creating clear processes that facilitate smooth project flows and improve mutual understanding. Our holistic approach includes everything from study design planning and meeting regulatory requirements to managing large databases, advanced statistical analysis, and data reporting and visualisation”.

APNC also have expertise in writing scientific articles for publication in medical journals, as well as developing and validating risk prediction models used for creating clinical decision support tools as the final product.

Customer-oriented approach

To stay up to date and competitive, APNC regularly look for new talents. Aldina Pivodic says: “Right now, we prioritise recruiting senior statisticians with experience from both academic research and clinical development programs. Our commitment to continuous learning and adapting to the latest industry requirements is critical to our success”.

Who are the customers? ”Our customers include pharmaceutical and medical technology companies as well as research groups within academia. We assist these groups with study design planning, data processing, analysis and reporting of clinical study data”.

“Through our work with real-world evidence and exploratory research, we constantly encounter new methods, which contributes to our continued development”, Pivodic continues.

“Our customers are at the heart of everything we do. On the one hand, we support the development of new products where statistical requirements are strict, even if they may not be the most advanced. On the other hand, we engage in exciting academic projects that strongly contribute to our own development in medical statistics. It is extremely rewarding to be able to offer our support where it is most needed, especially to knowledge-hungry and inspiring researchers, all for the sake of achieving better outcomes for patients.”.

Experts at APNC have always been keen to solve customer problems. We prioritise responsiveness, clear communication, and careful planning – factors that are crucial to the success of projects, as we mentioned earlier. After thorough preparatory work, we carry out analyses and visualisations, always with a constant focus on high quality”.

From one-man-show to small enterprise

APNC Sweden has undergone rapid development. Over the past six months, the company has expanded from being a one-man operation to now having seven employees. “Our goal going forward is to continue to grow and develop into an even more attractive workplace where the employees’ well-being is the focus”, says Aldina Pivodic.

APNC strives to continually improve professional statistics services to meet the needs of both existing and new clients. In the short term, meaning the coming year, the plan is to further expand the workforce and strengthen capabilities in advanced statistical analysis.

In a five-year term, APNC is a leading player in the industry, recognised for expertise, innovative and qualitative solutions in medical statistics.

Moving into GoCo

Recently, APNC moved into new premises at GoCo Health Innovation City. “Our decision to establish ourselves at GoCo has been a decisive factor in our rapid development. This cluster offers a great environment for companies like us. The Gothenburg region and Region Västra Götaland are a hub for life science, and with GoCo the conditions for research in this area are further improved. We are very positive about the future and look forward to continuing our journey in this dynamic and supportive environment”.

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Maria Lind

Presskontakt Journalist Affärstidningen Näringsliv 0762-053496

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