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Gynius CEO and Founder Huaqing Li.
Gynius CEO and Founder Huaqing Li.

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Gynius CEO Huaqing Li: “Saving lives will always be our core focus”

Gynius has developed the world’s leading portable optical colposcope, the Gynecular, for the detection and digital biopsy of cervical cancer.

The Gynocular uses cutting edge optics and LED technology, it is light weight and easily fits into a pocket or small bag, making it the world’s first truly portable colposcope.

“Our aim is to offer best quality of colposcopy images, and at the same time making the technology available to as many clinics and health care professionals as possible in order to save lives worldwide”, says Gynius CEO and Founder Huaqing Li.

Best for low- to middle income countries

The main aim for Gynius is currently to make the Gynocular the most suitable device for low- to middle income countries. It is here that the device can make the biggest difference, according to Huaqing Li.

Gynius is currently taking part in several large health care projects in South America, Africa and South-East Asia, for instance, and working closely with all the global humanitarian organisations. These organisations are the main clients, and they in turn distribute the device along with training in how to use it, also provided by Gynius.

“Our device enables for much faster treatment and better care. Digital screening and biopsy of cervical cancer is a safe, fast and easy way to determine further steps to treat the cancer. The faster the better, as applying treatment as fast as possible is the best approach to maximise the outcome of the treatment and thus to save more lives”, says Huaqing Li.

Gynius becomes genius

There are no similar devices on the market today, but the screening technology is not new. The application of it is, and this is where Gynius becomes genius.

Conventional screening methods are performed at hospitals, they are costly and take a lot of time. Further, in most low- to middle income countries, most of the population do not have access to the screening facilities anyway, due to various reasons, one being that it is often a long journey away from home. The Gynocular deals with all these challenges.

The Gynocular is portable, it weighs around half a kilogram, and can easily travel with health care professionals to provisional screening facilities. Such projects are currently being set up in several countries in Africa, and Huaqing Li is often traveling to these countries to overlook the process. He explains further:

“Cervical cancer is the most aggressive and most fatal cancer affecting women globally. In East Africa, for example, most women affected by cervical cancer will not receive treatment at all, or not in time for it to work. What we want to do is to enable for screening of as many women as possible, detect cervical cancer at an early stage, and thus enable for faster treatment. This is why we at Gynius team up with the large global humanitarian organisations. Saving lives will always be our core focus”.

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Maria Lind

Presskontakt Journalist Affärstidningen Näringsliv 0762-053496

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