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Charlotte Schönbeck works with Getinge’s bioprocess solutions.
Charlotte Schönbeck works with Getinge’s bioprocess solutions.

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Getinge provides solutions to take cell-based projects further

Medicines and treatments of the future will be developed using the patient’s own cells, to ensure a perfect match every time. In this context, a perfect match refers to the positive way in which the patient’s immune system responds to these tailored medicines, enabling for much more precise and effective treatments to a lot of diseases that are difficult to treat today.

Medical research is moving rapidly. In the wake of the pandemic, research within the area of vaccines and cell therapies is rapidly expanding. The interest has never been greater when it comes to cell and gene manipulation in order to present new treatments to critical illnesses and conditions.

The meaning of the right support

Embarking on a journey towards a successful cell therapy is difficult. It is not done overnight. Life-saving treatments such as vaccines, regenerative medicines and cell and gene therapies take years, sometimes decades, to develop. When Covid-19 hit, there were no decades to spare. The development of the new Covid-19 vaccines was rapid, and this proves that it is possible to do, with the right support.

The number of approved therapies has increased rapidly and there are many projects in discovery stage and some already in clinical trials phase 1. To develop these therapies, different types of cells are used. Getinge bioreactors provide solutions to take those projects further.

What are bioreactors?

A better question is; how do bioreactors work? Essentially, it is a vessel that gives the most suitable environment for the specific type of cell or microorganism to grow.

Getinge provides bioreactors which ensure a closed, sterile environment for these laboratory applications. The bioreactors enable scaling-up the cell growth and an optimization of the bioprocess, which in the end will also be more cost effective for the researcher. In Sweden there are a lot of innovative drug-developing companies, and many on-going and promising are established in the Gothenburg-region, at the new life science hotspot GoCo Health Innovation City.

“We know that there is a lot of knowledge within cell and gene therapies in the Gothenburg-region. We are developing our offer within bioreactors to cater for the needs of both existing and upcoming companies focusing on developing future medicines. With our bioreactors, they get flexibility to their process and help to optimize their cell culture, which is essential to the success of their projects”, says Charlotte Schönbeck, Product Specialist Bioprocess at Getinge.

“We help researchers get closer to their goal of developing fully functional biological medicines tailored to patients’ needs”, she adds.

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Maria Lind

Presskontakt Journalist Affärstidningen Näringsliv 0762-053496

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