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Discover an experiential wilderness adventure

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Discover an experiential wilderness adventure

More and more people turn to nature to gather strength and energy. The last few years have put the whole society to the test, and it has hardly escaped anyone’s notice that the new norm does not look like it did just a few years ago. To find an important inner balance, many turn to nature-oriented experiences.

Nature and ideally wilderness experiences are exactly what the family business Jockfall Turist & Konferens does best. Based on fantastic natural resources locally, not least the mighty waterfall Jockfallet, which also gave the business its name, the Landin family has built an experience-based adventure in the middle of the wilderness.

Hotspot for fishing enthusiasts

Of course, the area around the waterfall itself, which contributes to creating strong currents in the Kalix River, is a real hotspot for fishing enthusiasts. Visitors from all over the world come here to experience an extraordinary fishing adventure. There has historically been a lot of fish in the river, and catching a salmon of over ten kg is not unusual.

“It is above all the salmon fishing during summer that attracts the most visitors, but other species are also fished at different times of the year. We conduct guided fishing trips and training on all species. What we mainly see in front of us now is a marked increase in the number of visitors, many come for the fishing experience, but not all. We expect an increase in the number of nature tourists overall, and not all of them will be interested in fishing from the start – but we hope that many will become interested during their stay with us”, says Robin Landin, Marketing Manager of the family business Jockfall Turist & Konferens, and who is also involved in giving guided tours around the area.

Protecting the fish in the river and the many surrounding lakes is something close to the Landin family’s heart, and therefore catch and release is applied in all types of fishing.

With a strong connection to nature

To be able to meet more visitors than before, the family business has gradually expanded its wilderness camp. The latest addition is several new lodges that are generously proportioned and have a level of comfort that surpasses what can be somewhat generally called ordinary camping cabins.

“For many years, we have worked to develop this place as a destination for experiences with a strong connection to nature. That development work continues all the time and will become even more important in the future when we have to offer a vibrant destination all year round. We already have a high-class accommodation that is suitable for a wide target group to offer, and we see this as an important element in the effort to welcome more guests as well”, explains Robin Landin.

2023 may be the all-time-high

Thanks to the development of both the destination and the wilderness camp in recent years, this year it is expected to accumulate visitor records at Jockfall Turist & Konferens. In addition, the forecast for this year’s fish populations is really good, not least for the salmon that most visitors who come to the area are most interested in.

Robin and the other members of the Landin family are very much looking forward to the fishing season this year, but at the same time will continue to work with other values in addition to fishing. It is these values that give the place around the Jockfall Turist & Konferens facility its completely unique character, which is something that cannot be found anywhere else.

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Maria Lind

Presskontakt Journalist Affärstidningen Näringsliv 0762-053496

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