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Three new partners at Delphi

Delphi’s team of partners is strengthened this September by three additional lawyers.

"Delphi is investing in the future and in taking market share in the current tough transactional climate. We are doing this by focusing on recruiting more partners who are skilled and commercially focused,” comments Stefan Erhag, Executive Partner at Delphi.

Mats Boman comes from White & Case LLP where he had been partner since 2004. His experience and skill-set will further strengthen Delphi in its position in corporate/M&A, capital markets and IT.

Mats Dahlberg returns to Delphi after a number of years in the financial sector. He brings with him a great deal of new know-how and insight from the commercial side.

Mikael Knutsson has been at Delphi for a number of years as a tax specialist and commands a solid know-how of all aspects of tax law.

"Despite the fact that the market has seen fewer transactions than normal, our utilization levels have not been affected, which may indicate that Delphi is taking market share. Strategic recruitments, such as these, and our goal-oriented efforts have started to pay off.", comments Per Granström, head of the corporate group at Delphi’s Stockholm office.

"The coming six months may well be a challenge, but that’s exactly the time to take market share.  We have chosen to accelerate rather than to hit the brakes and we believe that commercial understanding will be even more important for client’s choice of firm in the future,” adds Stefan Erhag.

Stefan Erhag
Executive Partner

Advokatfirman Delphi
Ph. +46 709-25 25 48
email: stefan.erhag@delphi.se





Delphi has expertise in all core areas of commercial law. An important part is the corporate desk, with a large number of domestic and cross-border mergers & acquisitions and an extensive banking, finance and capital markets practice. The firm is also well established in high-tech related legal areas such as IT, telecommunications, intellectual property and life sciences. Additionally, Delphi’s public procurement, EU and competition practice is highly respected.  

Clients are mainly in Scandinavia, Europe and North America. Delphi co-operates with law firms all over the world and has business in China and Eastern Europe. Delphi has approximately 190 employees of which about 140 are lawyers. Offices are in Stockholm, Göteborg, Malmö, Linköping and Norrköping.


Stefan Erhag

Stefan Erhag

Presskontakt Executive Partner +46 709 25 25 48

Delphi är en av de främsta affärsjuridiska byråerna i Sverige

Advokatfirman Delphi är en progressiv affärsjuridisk advokatbyrå med erkända specialister inom de flesta av affärsjuridikens områden. Vi är totalt cirka 210 medarbetare, varav ungefär 150 jurister. Våra kontor finns i Stockholm, Göteborg, Malmö och Linköping.

Genom att korsa djup affärsförståelse med nya smartare sätt att tänka, skräddarsyr vi vår service, expertis och erbjudanden efter våra klienters olika behov. Vi ger tydliga råd och rekommendationer baserade på varje klients unika affärsutmaning och är en strategisk samarbetspartner till våra klienter. Vi driver utvecklingen framåt och utmanar varandra, våra klienter och branschen med den bästa affären som mål.

Advokatfirman Delphi

Mäster Samuelsgatan 17, Box 1432
111 84 Stockholm