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Saab receivers appointed

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Saab receivers appointed

Two lawyers, Hans L. Bergqvist from Delphi in Göteborg and Anne-Marie Pouteaux from Wistrand in Göteborg have been appointed as receivers for Saab Automobile AB, Saab Automobile Powertrain AB and Saab Automobile Tools AB (Saab insolvency).

We are very proud to have been appointed by the district court in this matter.
We share the court’s view that two receivers, with the backup of their respective organizations, are needed to handle this unique, large and complex insolvency.'

Our highest priority is to initiate the state guarantee for the employees. We started work on this already this evening. We have also been in contact with the management and tomorrow will meet them and union representatives. Alongside these actions, we will also be obtaining an overview of the company’s assets as quickly as possible in order to review the possible courses of action and thus be able to apply the assets and opportunities afforded by the bankruptcy estate in the best possible manner.

The receivers will continually be providing information on the progress of their work.

Hans L. Bergqvist Anne-Marie Pouteaux

Contact details
Hans L. Bergqvist
Partner, Delphi
Tel: +46 709 25 25 51

Anne-Marie Pouteaux
Partner, Wistrand
Tel: +46 708 62 02 92

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Stefan Erhag

Stefan Erhag

Presskontakt Executive Partner +46 709 25 25 48

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111 84 Stockholm