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Find out how it feels to have an entire law firm at your disposal.

Find out how it feels to have an entire law firm at your disposal.

Just as summer arrives, Delphi will be changing its look. Our new logo conveys even more clearly the new thinking and the desire for change which characterises Delphi so well. Meanwhile, something rather historic is taking place; Delphi is namely the first Swedish law firm to have its own mobile app.

"The app is yet another sign of Delphi’s constant drive to be at the leading edge. With our complete business-law offering, we have always been proactive and adopted new technology and ways of working. This is also reflected in the specialist competencies we have, for example within IP law, IT, cloud computing and social media" says Stefan Erhag, Executive Partner at Delphi.

The app allows you quickly and simply to find information about Delphi’s 140 lawyers. You can search amongst competence areas and qualifications and immediately and simply get in touch with the person you need to contact.

Download the app free of charge by surfing to our website via your mobile.


Stefan Erhag
Executive Partner Delphi
Mobile +46 709 25 25 48




We are Sweden’s most proactive law firm.
Our 140 lawyers offer specialisation in all areas of business law. We are biggest in Corporate Finance and high-tech fields such as IT and telecom. Because we are always thinking ahead, we find new ways of dealing with each and every assignment as efficiently as possible. To put it simply, our interest in tomorrow makes us better lawyers today.


Stefan Erhag

Stefan Erhag

Presskontakt Executive Partner +46 709 25 25 48

Delphi är en av de främsta affärsjuridiska byråerna i Sverige

Advokatfirman Delphi är en progressiv affärsjuridisk advokatbyrå med erkända specialister inom de flesta av affärsjuridikens områden. Vi är totalt cirka 210 medarbetare, varav ungefär 150 jurister. Våra kontor finns i Stockholm, Göteborg, Malmö och Linköping.

Genom att korsa djup affärsförståelse med nya smartare sätt att tänka, skräddarsyr vi vår service, expertis och erbjudanden efter våra klienters olika behov. Vi ger tydliga råd och rekommendationer baserade på varje klients unika affärsutmaning och är en strategisk samarbetspartner till våra klienter. Vi driver utvecklingen framåt och utmanar varandra, våra klienter och branschen med den bästa affären som mål.

Advokatfirman Delphi

Mäster Samuelsgatan 17, Box 1432
111 84 Stockholm