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European private equity players believe strongly in Nordics

The new Nordic survey 2012 shows that the European private equity sector is greatly confident of the Nordics as an investment region. The survey, which was conducted amongst participants at the Nordic Private Equity Congress, shows that about 70 percent of the respondents plan to start a new fund with a focus on investments in the Nordic region in the next 12 to 24 months. An impressive 90 percent also believe that private equity investments in the Nordic area will exceed investments in Europe during 2012.

The result of the survey also shows that 42 percent of the respondents believe that yield on investments in the Nordic region in 2012 will be at least 10 percent higher than the rest of Europe. Sixty nine percent state that the stable macro-economic situation in the Nordic area is the factor which distinguishes the region from the rest of Europe.

“The survey confirms that the Nordics continue to be a very interesting region for private equity. It also clearly shows the sector’s confidence in the ability of Nordic private equity players to deliver results that exceed the industry average. Historically, Nordic private equity players have been very successful. This, in combination with a more stable macro-economic situation in the Nordic area compared with much of the rest of the world, probably affects the industry’s future expectations that the Nordics will continue to be a leading region for private equity investments”, says David Aversten, partner at Delphi.

In terms of industry, 33 percent believe that the service sector, followed by the consumer market (22 percent), will be the most attractive market for private equity investments the coming 12 to 24 months. Only 11 percent believe in the healthcare sector, which is a substantial drop on last year when 34 percent of the companies polled felt that the healthcare sector was the most attractive industry for private equity investments. The Nordic survey 2012 was carried out by Delphi in cooperation with the internet publication Unquote at the Nordic Private Equity Congress (http://www.nordicpecongress.com). About 150 people in leading positions in the Nordic and European private equity sector took part in the congress which opened on 31 May 2012. About 100 of these completed the survey electronically in the congress center.

The complete Nordic survey 2012 is attached.

David Aversten
Ph. +46 709-25 25 19
email: david.aversten@delphi.se





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