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Är Islamic Finance en möjlighet i finanskrisen?

Advokatfirmorna Delphi och Herbert Smith (London) inbjuder representanter för redaktionen till frukostseminarium den 26/11.

Shari'ah Compliant Acquisition Financing Solutions

Finding liquidity in the debt markets - is Islamic financing the answer?

Islamic LBOs are increasingly being used in circumstances where the target assets have no Middle Eastern connection. Islamic structures can be the key to tapping pools of liquidity not otherwise available to fund buyouts - both debt and equity. As such they can offer a solution to the shortage of funding which is a consequence of the credit crunch.

This breakfast seminar will be given by members of the London finance division of Herbert Smith LLP in conjunction with Delphi and will cover the following areas:

• What is Islamic finance?

• Why use Islamic financing structures?

• An explanation of recent deal structures.

• Swedish aspects on Islamic Finance.

Ewen Fergusson, partner, Herbert Smith
Ewen is a partner in the Herbert Smith finance division and head of their 6 partner acquisition finance team. He has experience of a wide range of finance transactions but has specialised most recently in LBOs and corporate financings including recently acting on Islamic leveraged buyouts.

Dominic O'Brien, senior associate, Herbert Smith
Dominic is a senior associate in the finance division in London, and specialises in structured and acquisition finance. He has a particular specialism in Islamic leveraged buy-outs and also has considerable experience of acting for lenders, borrowers and financial advisers in relation to LBOs, bid financings and corporate fundings.

Per Lagerkvist, partner, Advokatfirman Delphi
Per Lagerkvist is a partner in the corporate finance department of Delphi's Stockholm office. His key areas of expertise are banking and finance and M&A. He regularly advises Swedish and international banks, insurance companies and funds/financial institutions on matters relating to finance (primarily concerning acquisition finance, regulatory issues and structured finance).

Date: Wednesday 26 November, 2008

Time: Breakfast from 8 a.m.
Seminar starting at 8.30 a.m.

Venue: Advokatfirman Delphi, Regeringsgatan 30-32, Conference room Competence

RSVP: No later than 25 November 2008, by e-mail to annika.labbate@delphi.se

The seminar is free of charge.



Stefan Erhag

Stefan Erhag

Presskontakt Executive Partner +46 709 25 25 48

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Advokatfirman Delphi är en progressiv affärsjuridisk advokatbyrå med erkända specialister inom de flesta av affärsjuridikens områden. Vi är totalt cirka 210 medarbetare, varav ungefär 150 jurister. Våra kontor finns i Stockholm, Göteborg, Malmö och Linköping.

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Advokatfirman Delphi

Mäster Samuelsgatan 17, Box 1432
111 84 Stockholm