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The actual winners are our clients

Congratulations to all the winners at Alliance Partner and LabVIEW Tools Network awards! QRM was first runner up this year.

- ”We are happy just to be nominated and to be recognizes QRM as one of the top quality tools for managing test results. The actual winners are our clients who gains improved yield, quality and better decision making by using QRM” says Mattias Ericsson, R&D Manager, System Architect Measurement Systems

QRM is a web based result management system that stores and analyzes test results. By using the QRM Web application, test results can be viewed and analyzed as they are produced.

See all the QRM videos for more information.

AddQ’s Quality Result Management (QRM) was selected as one of the LabVIEW Tools Network Product of the Year award finalist at the NI Alliance Day 2015 in Austin, Texas. The award recognizes achievements in innovation and is designated for outstanding software apps and add-ons on the LabVIEW Tools Network.


  • Data, Telekom, IT


  • test
  • addq
  • quality assurance
  • qrm
  • award
  • alliance day
  • national instruments
  • test result
  • mattias ericsson
  • result management system


  • Halland


Mats Backlund

Säljansvarig, Test- och Mätsystemutveckling Göteborg +46 735 142 190

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