Video -

Vending purchase using the PayPal InStore mobile client app

Vending purchase using the PayPal InStore mobile client app 1. Choose vending purchase 2. Enter vending machine ID (or pick from favourites) 3. Enter amount 4. Purchase is shown in mobile client app, press ok Done. Choose item in vending machine - enjoy!
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  • Data, Telekom, IT


  • accumulate
  • mobile payment
  • paypal
  • vending purchase
  • betala med mobilen
  • mobila betalningar


Stefan Hultberg

Presskontakt CEO General Management +46 70-3505704

Relaterat innehåll

PayPal surprices with mobile payment campaign in Sweden - articles

After only two days live in the first two shops in Stockholm, the response from customers, staff in the shops and media around the world is fantastic. This is yet another proof that consumers are ready to pay with their mobile, if it's secure, easy and fast. PayPal InStore is meeting all of these criteria and we look forward to see more shops connecting and more consumers using the mobile payment