Nyhet -

WyWallet officially launched - mobile payment for all Swedes

WyWallet,  the mobile wallet joint venture by the four largest mobile network operators in Sweden (Telia, Tele2, Telenor and 3), is today officially launched. The mobile wallet service is first of its kind and will from start cover 97% of the mobile users in Sweden.

First services out are:

  • Person-to-person money transfer
  • Pay for SMS-services like public transport, ticketing, voting using WyWallet mobile app
  • Online shopping
  • Topup of own and others prepaid cards

WyWallet also supports POS payments using NFC and live tests in shops starts in July (next week). Already after this summer more services and features will be launched for the WyWallet mobile wallet users. Wywallet is from start available on Android, iPhone, Java and after summer also on Windows Phone.

Accumulate has from start been part of the development of WyWallet, and the mobile technology and security behind the WyWallet mobile wallet service is based on Accumulates mobile financial services platform Mobile Everywhere (ME).

Relaterade länkar


  • Data, Telekom, IT


  • payex
  • mobile security
  • mobile payment
  • mobile banking
  • mobila betalningar
  • betala med mobilen
  • accumulate
  • wywallet


Stefan Hultberg

Presskontakt CEO General Management +46 70-3505704

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