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Capgemini lanserar “Capgemini Invent”, en ny global affärsenhet för konsultverksamhet, digital innovation och transformation

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Capgemini lanserar “Capgemini Invent”, en ny global affärsenhet för konsultverksamhet, digital innovation och transformation

Capgemini lanserar i dag Capgemini Invent, en ny global affärsenhet som skall fokusera på att hjälpa företagsledare att staka ut kursen mot framtiden och ge dem de rätta verktygen för att nå dit. Capgemini Invent kombinerar de tvärdiciplinära styrkorna i Capgemini Consulting med LiquidHub, Fahrenheit 212, Idean, Adaptive Lab och Backelite.

Den globala enheten består av ett kompetent team på mer än 6 000 personer fördelat på 30 kontor och 10 kreativa studior över hela världen. I Sverige utgör Capgemini Invent 180 medarbetare och leds av Ulf Holmgren.

För mer information om Capgemini Invent, ta kontakt med Ulf Holmgren (+46 70 629 11 15, ulf.holmgren@capgemini.com). 


Capgemini today launched Capgemini Invent, a new global business line[1] that will focus on helping business leaders plot a path to the future and provide the right vehicle for getting there. Capgemini Invent combines, under one brand, the multi-disciplinary strengths of Capgemini Consulting and key expertise in technology and data science from the rest of the Group, with recent acquisitions of customer engagement firm LiquidHub, innovation consultancy Fahrenheit 212, and its three creative design agencies Idean, Adaptive Lab and Backelite.

The global business line comprises a 6,000+ strong team located in more than 30 offices and 10 creative studios around the world. Capgemini Invent’s specialist capabilities provide clients with the ability to operate at the speed of digital; to ideate and design digital transformation strategy, tangible digital solution prototypes and transformation plans, while assessing the path for scaling and monitoring them by leveraging the full expertise of the Group. Capgemini Invent helps its clients to stay relevant and be ahead of the competition.

“We have built Capgemini Invent to meet increasing client demand for our advanced digital services,” comments Paul Hermelin, Chairman and CEO, Capgemini Group. “This integrated global business line combines perfectly our specialist capabilities and expertise that are needed to design, create and trial new digital solutions and business models of the future, all supported by the recognized strengths of the Group to implement them at speed and scale.”

The introduction of Capgemini Invent is in response to a critical need for businesses to answer the complex question of “what’s next?” when it comes to their digital transformation strategy. Whether it’s CEOs assessing the viability of adjacent markets or CMOs looking at new ways to engage customers, Capgemini Invent aims to provide clients with solutions to business problems, accelerating the development of ideas into prototypes and then progressing prototypes into scalable products and services by leveraging the rest of the Group, in order to drive new revenue streams, new ways to engage with customers and sustainable growth.

  • “For businesses today, determining what’s next is a question that’s getting harder to answer and even harder to realize. Leading companies must be open to invention – a radical rethinking and redesign of their core business models – in order to find new sources of value and ensure survival,” said Cyril Garcia, CEO Capgemini Invent. “Capgemini Invent offers a new model for digital transformation delivery, bringing key sector expertise together with a broad cross-section of disciplines, from strategy and technology to data science and creative design. It also engages with its growing innovation eco-system of partners and start-ups to benefit digital projects. Working in close collaboration with our clients, Capgemini Invent applies a spirit of innovation to bring to life ‘what’s next’; orchestrating meaningful change across every facet of their business in an agile way to drive continuous growth.”

Capgemini Invent encapsulates the new ways that the Group is working with clients worldwide. Today, it is not only advising clients on digital innovation and transformation, but is also designing, building, operating and transferring expertise to help them reinvent their core businesses, along with inventing and implementing truly new processes, products and services. One example, in the data space, is the Group’s recent work with Airbus on the ‘skywise’ digital aviation data platform, which will be the single platform of reference used by all major aviation players in Airbus’ ecosystem, to improve operational performance and business results.

Stephane Bronoff, Connectivity Enterprise Architect at Airbus said, “Throughout our journey to design and implement our innovative global skywise.connect platform, Capgemini has been a trusted partner, providing robust telecom expertise to shape our connectivity vision and supporting us in the operational phases of minimum viable product (MVP) and implementation leading to the commercial entry in service.”

Capgemini Invent combines key digital capabilities with deep sector expertise to help organizations to prototype, test and scale new products, services and business models, quickly and effectively. To do this, the new global business line comprises six integrated practices:

Innovation and Strategy to help envision change across organizations, helping to imagine, design and build the products, services, and business models of the future.

Customer Engagement to help businesses deliver value at every interaction, transforming the relationships they have with customers to drive business transformation.

Future of Technology to help businesses capture the possibilities of emerging technology by creating tailored solutions for every type of business and sector.

Insight Driven Enterprise to utilize advanced data analytics, AI and automation technologies to drive financial excellence and enable strategic and real-time business decision-making.

Operations Transformation to help create smarter businesses by reinventing their supply chain, asset management and operational processes, to ultimately increase productivity and reduce time to market.

People and Organization to help businesses master transformation, and prepare for the future of work, by developing the culture, workforce and skills they need for holistic business success in the digital age.

Organizations struggle to make progress with their digital transformation investments

The launch of Capgemini Invent comes at a critical time for businesses, many of whom feel they do not have the digital and leadership capabilities needed to make their digital transformation journey a success. This, according to the Capgemini Research Institute, which recently released the results of a report entitled “Understanding Digital Mastery Today: Why companies are struggling with their digital transformations.”The report showed that despite huge investments in digital transformation initiatives, set to exceed $2 trillion by 2021[2], organizations today feel less equipped with the right leadership capabilities than they were six years ago (45% in 2012 compared to 35% in 2018), while less than half still feel they have the right digital capabilities to advance their transformations (39% in both 2012 and 2018.)

For more information on Capgemini Invent, visit www.capgemini.com/invent.

[1]Capgemini’s Global Business Lines (GBLs) manage key offerings; taking care of pre-sales, solutioning, client focused delivery, and developing talents and expertise in key domains for the Group including high-growth and emerging markets.

[2] IDC, “IDC Forecasts Worldwide Spending on Digital Transformation Technologies to Reach $1.3 Trillion in 2018”, December 2017


Om Capgemini

Som en global ledare inom konsult- och tekniktjänster och digital transformation ligger Capgemini i framkant av innovation för att bemöta sina kunders behov inom molntjänster, digitalisering och plattformar. Med hjälp av sitt 50-åriga arv och gedigna branschspecifika kompetens gör Capgemini det möjligt för organisationer att förverkliga sina affärsmål genom en rad olika tjänster, från strategi till operation. Capgemini sätter människorna i fokus och drivs framåt av övertygelsen att teknikens affärsvärde kommer från och genom människor. Bolaget är multikulturellt med 200 000 anställda i över 40 länder. 2017 redovisade Capgemini globala intäkter på 12,8 miljarder euro.

Besök oss på www.capgemini.com. People matter, results count.


Jonathan Stara

Jonathan Stara

Presskontakt Head of Communications / Kommunikationschef 076-545 40 14

Ledande inom konsult- och tekniktjänster, innovation och digital transformation

Capgemini är en global partner inom affärs- och tekniktransformation som hjälper organisationer att påskynda övergången till en digital och hållbar värld, och samtidigt gör skillnad för företag och samhälle. Det är en ansvarsfull och mångsidig organisation med 340 000 medarbetare i över 50 länder. Med ett starkt arv som sträcker sig över 55 år tillbaka har Capgemini sina kunders förtroende att hjälpa dem frigöra värdet av teknik för att tillgodose hela deras affärsbehov. Capgemini levererar helhetslösningar som utnyttjar styrkan från strategi och design till teknik. Allt drivet av en marknadsledande kapacitet inom AI, moln och data, kombinerat med en djup branschexpertis och ett ekosystem av partners. År 2023 rapporterade Capgemini Group globala intäkter på 22,5 miljarder euro.

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