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Want something ROCK HARD for Christmas?

A praise for rock climbing, - absolutely, but even a symbol for climbing in life and your career. Rock Hard cufflinks with its raw form and a bit of humour, give you that extra personal touch weather you are @work, in or out, before or after, high or low! Tough, hard and exclusive made from 100% 925 Sterling Silver. No plated silver! These will soon become a favorite with its heavy, massive feel.
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Catrine Linder Sandberg

Presskontakt Founder, Owner and Designer Alla +46 (0)76 2093388 925 Catrine Linder News

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Want something ROCK HARD for Christmas?

A praise for rock climbing, - absolutely, but even a symbol for climbing in life and your career. Rock Hard cufflinks with its raw form and a bit of humour, give you that extra personal touch weather you are @work, in or out, before or after, high or low! Tough, hard and exclusive made from 100% 925 Sterling Silver. No plated silver! These will soon become a favorite with its heavy, massive feel.