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24MAS Launches Kimi Räikkönen IceOne Racing for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch

24MAS today announced the release of its new racing title Kimi Räikkönen’s IceOne Racing for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch, featuring the former Formula One World Champion, Kimi ICEMAN Räikkönen. Available for download for free on iTunes today, the game takes you through Kimi’s racing career from carts through to rally, with four unique race vehicles and 16 different tracks.
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24MAS Launches Kimi Räikkönen IceOne Racing for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch

24MAS today announced the release of its new racing title Kimi Räikkönen’s IceOne Racing for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch, featuring the former Formula One World Champion, Kimi ICEMAN Räikkönen. Available for download for free on iTunes today, the game takes you through Kimi’s racing career from carts through to rally, with four unique race vehicles and 16 different tracks.