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QleanAir renews contract for six cleanrooms in the USA

QleanAir Scandinavia Inc announces the renewal of a contract for six cleanrooms with the same healthcare organization in the USA.

QleanAir has renewed the contract for six USP <797> and <800> compliant cleanrooms for a leading New York based healthcare system. QleanAir designed and installed the first of six cleanrooms over three years ago on a lease contract with a full-service and maintenance agreement. The client recently chose to extend their contract with QleanAir after a positive experience with both the environment and service partnership with QleanAir. The cleanrooms, used for compounding of drugs, are critical to the ongoing care and safety of the hospital system’s patients and staff. The client chose to extend the lease agreements for an additional 3-year term, valuing more than $700,000 USD.

I can’t think of a better product endorsement than the renewal for six of our cleanroom leases with a leading healthcare provider in the state of New York. The combination of QleanAir’s high quality system and an ongoing compliance guarantee is allowing pharmacists to do what they do best – focus on treating patients” says Brad Ballantine, President of QleanAir’s North American operation.

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  • Medical research


  • compounding
  • healthcare design
  • cleanroom technology
  • aspeptic space
  • pharma
  • pharmacy
  • pharmaceutical sciences
  • qleanspace
  • hospital pharmacy
  • cleanroom

QleanAir is the premium supplier of solutions for clean and controlled indoor air for professional purposes. Our solutions are based on mechanical filtration with a constant air flow which in combination with preventive service ensures functionality and air quality over time. The product portfolio consists of turnkey cleanrooms, freestanding air cleaners for production facilities, offices, healthcare schools, public spaces warehousing and logistics, and solutions for protection against passive smoking. QleanAir's solutions are available in 30 countries, are delivered as a service and all have a Lifetime Performance Guarantee.


Pontus Grimberg

Press contact VP Europe

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