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How Cleanrooms Help Academic Institutions Excel

Academic institutions and laboratories should be able to shoot for the moon and have every tool they need to do so. Therefore, every university needs to have a cleanroom. What new opportunities for learning can a cleanroom create? There are three main areas of study that will benefit from a cleanroom:

  1. Medical Sciences Antimicrobial environments are essential for medical experiments to operate unhindered. An insecure environment could jeopardize years of study, waste precious resources, or deliver inaccurate results. Cleanrooms prevent unwanted microbes, aerosols, or other contaminants from ruining experiments.

  2. Pharmaceutical Sciences In order to develop and test pharmaceuticals, there cannot be any risk of contamination. Cleanrooms eliminate the risk of aerosols, dust, or other contaminants that could compromise the integrity of medicines or vaccines. The only way to ensure the safety of those working and testing pharmaceuticals is to install a cleanroom.

  3. Nanotechnology Development Nanotech needs to be developed in a completely dust-free environment. For example, the use of photolithography or using light for etching patterns on silicon to make microchips could be entirely derailed by a single piece of dust. A cleanroom ensures students and researchers can develop to their full potential without facing unnecessary obstacles.

QleanAir has a wealth of experience when it comes to advising academic institutions on what type of cleanroom is best for them. Our track record is proven by a recent project for a prominent US-based university healthcare system installed in 2021. This contract is our company’s largest to date and cements our standing as an industry leader, helping universities live up to their fullest potential.

In addition, we are furthering our support of medical and pharmaceutical work by providing a USP 797 and USP 800 compliant cleanroom to an extensive hospital network in the US. Our products will help a facility with approximately 1,000 hospital beds. The hospital’s pharmacy cleanroom was designed and built nearly 15 years ago and needed renovations. We were happy to provide their new facilities so they can continue to distribute and develop high-quality medicines and vaccines safely.


  • Working Environment


  • qleanspace
  • aseptic space
  • hospital pharmacy
  • medtech
  • pharma
  • university hospital
  • workplace health
  • workplace safety
  • cleanroom
  • air cleaning
  • air quality
  • product quality
  • pharmaceutical sciences
  • hospital system
  • compounding


Pontus Grimberg

Press contact VP Europe

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