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What is the responsibility of those who have enabled crime?

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What is the responsibility of those who have enabled crime?

In a historical review of various forms of crimes such as fraud, theft, tax evasion, money laundering and even humanitarian crimes from dictators, the common factor is that all these crimes could not have been carried out without the fact that there were a lot of people, organizations and companies that directly or indirectly helped the criminals in their activities – criminals do not live and work in a vacuum without contact with others, says Lars Olofsson, a lawyer from Sweden.

Aiding and abetting is a criminal act

In virtually all legal systems in the world, there is a criminal offense called enabling. In Sweden, the legal text refers to "advice and deeds", i.e. that a person commits a criminal act if they help with information or in a practical way enable a crime. The criterion is that the enabler knows, or should have known, that he or she is helping to carry out a criminal act.

This type of contributory liability has existed for many years and can be traced all the way back to Roman law and principles of responsibility in several religious scriptures and faiths.

Difference Between Statutory Responsibility and Moral Responsibility

Legislators around the world are constantly working to legislate based on the political agenda they have, but also based on what is known as the general conception of justice - which could be expressed as the generally accepted moral conception. I believe that when it comes to responsibility for enabling a criminal act, the moral evaluation comes into play at least as much as the statutory evaluation.

Astrid Lindgren said: "He who is strong, must also be kind

Children's author Astrid Lindgren expressed that if you have a position of influence, you also have a greater responsibility than others – a greater moral responsibility is required. However, it is not enough for the legislation to state a responsibility, or for the general belief to say that an enabler has a responsibility.

It must also lead to the enabler having to face consequences for his or her actions. Therefore, the law enforcement agencies must also ensure that they take their responsibility to demand accountability, or that the legislator supplements, or adjusts, existing legislation.

People with influence must take responsibility

The buzzword since the advent of the internet is; Influencer. People who have become famous in different ways have always been used to promote different things. Companies, organizations, authorities, governments, and criminals have all used famous people to advertise their product or thing.

What has happened since the advent of the internet is that those who have become famous have both become more numerous, become known by more people and have been able to reach out with their message faster.

People have also become famous because they are famous, and not for any specific talent or achievement. When I look at the scams that my colleagues and I work with, and help victims of, I see a clear trend that criminals are more and more using famous people who market the scams in various ways. Sports profiles have often been featured in this marketing.

Setting an example

It is time for both the judiciary, and I as a representative of victims of crime, to demand accountability for those who have enabled crimes. The legislation is clear, and I understand from many, many conversations with my thousands of clients that there is also a moral responsibility.

Unfortunately, I have also been able to show that after a fraud has been exposed, and a sports profile has been involved in the marketing, this athlete does nothing to either apologize to all the victims, or actively help the victims of crimes – which in my case means that you once again miss your moral responsibility.

If I was involved in a traffic accident and people got injured, but I wasn't the cause of the accident, then I can't just leave the scene of the accident and walk away. Of course, I stay and help the injured.

I now intend to start lawsuits for damages against several sports personalities who marketed scams and should have either immediately understood that it was a fraud that was being marketed or investigate who I´m doing business with and what it is that they are promoting.

The time is now to place responsibility.

Lawyer from Sweden, and an expert on cyber crime

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