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Harvard University knocks on the door for Plantagon’s governance model

STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN (October 11, 2017) –– Plantagon’s governance model the Companization is picking up international attention. The model is built on an advanced societal approach where the objective is to democratize the share holding company by taking away anonymous ownership that only focuses on maximizing profit. Together with the global investment fund, Norwegian Sovereign Wealth Fund, and Central Bank of Brazil, Plantagon will be part of an innovative interdisciplinary study by the Peace Research Institute in Oslo titled Investment for Peace: Innovative Strategies for Finance Management.

Moral Business and Finance of Capitalism. Equity Economics in Political Philosophy and Religious Knowledge of the Multinational Company is the title of the research project, included in the Investment for Peace study, by Dr. Lars Kirkhusmo Pharo, researcher from Harvard University and the Berlin based Max Planck Institute. Dr. Pharo bases his book on studies of the innovative moral business model and finance philosophy of the Companization model, applied by Plantagon International.

“We are radically challenging short term economic paradigms. Being acknowledged by prominent researchers in such an impressive study, this indicates that our governance model may be ground-breaking and even important for the future development of business. I hope that the research findings will be used for an absolute necessary value change in the business community from short-term to long-term, and that it will be a piece in the puzzle to develop modern legislations and policies for organizations and business - aiming not only at maximizing profit but meeting societal challenges - locally as well as globally,” says Hans Hassle, developer of the Companization governance model and co-founder of Plantagon.

The project's analysis of ethical governance, laws and bylaws, articles of association, regulations, business and investment strategies of various economic institutions will contribute valuable comparative knowledge about social impact and responsibility of interrelated actors in the international financial market.

More information
Please contact Carin Balfe Arbman, PR Manager,


About the study

Dr. Pharo is Research Associate and Advisor at Moses Mesoamerican Archive and Research Project (MMARP), Harvard University and Research Partner at Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte (MPIWG). In his extensive study, Dr. Pharo analyses the epistemology of the political-religious ideas from the governance system and constitution of the American Indigenous Haudenosaunee-Confederacy (Co-Founder of Plantagon), and European political philosophy as paradigm for equity values of responsible investment, competitiveness, and the ethical decision-making business and finance structure of Plantagon.

To achieve knowledge of the moral rationale and function of conflict-sensitivity and peace in business strategies and investments in financial markets, this investigation is part of the Peace Research Institute Oslo study: Investment for Peace: Innovative Strategies for Finance Management. This interdisciplinary research project compares three different innovative economic institutions: the global investment fund Norwegian Sovereign Wealth Fund, the Swedish multinational corporation Plantagon International AB, and the national bank Central Bank of Brazil.

The research is to be conducted together with Professor Greg Reichberg and Professor Henrik Syse (Vice Chair of The Norwegian Nobel Committee) at the Peace Research Institute Oslo and Vice Chairman Rafael Benke at the international relations think tank Centro Brasileiro de Relações Internacionais (CEBRI).


Plantagon International is a world-leading pioneer within the field food security and CSR – combining urban agriculture, innovative technical solutions and architecture – to meet the demand for efficient food production within cities; adding a more democratic and inclusive governance model. &


  • Economy, Finance


  • the companization


Per Östling

Press contact Member of the Board +46707310988

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