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Plantagon featured in documentary on vertical farming on Dutch national television

"The Rise of Vertical Farming" is a new Dutch documentary about urban agriculture featuring interviews with Plantagon co-founder Hans Hassle; Professor Dickson Despommier, Columbia University, member of Plantagon's Honorary Board, and many more. 

The documentary was broadcasted on national television in the Netherlands in May 2017. See the English version here. 

Please see also a link to the original documentary in Dutch sent on NPO2 23 April, at 21:05 (47 min)

Article about the documentary on Groenten Nieuws

Plantagon International is a world-leading pioneer within the field agritechture – combining urban agriculture, innovative technical solutions and architecture – to meet the demand for efficient food production within cities. We see global food security and sustainable food production as the most critical areas for the future of our planet. Plantagon’s objective is to meet the rising demand for locally grown food in cities around the world, and minimize the use of transportation, land, energy and water. Our solutions add value to real estate properties, and enhance the quality of life in cities.


  • Economy, Finance


Per Östling

Press contact Member of the Board +46707310988

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