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Categories: trench

Annuncio della nuova generazione di chiusini Fibrelite compatibili con le radiofrequenze, progettati per il monitoraggio sotterraneo a distanza

Annuncio della nuova generazione di chiusini Fibrelite compatibili con le radiofrequenze, progettati per il monitoraggio sotterraneo a distanza

Chiusino Fibrelite di nuova generazione
Spinto della crescente domanda di chiusini compatibili con le radiofrequenze, il produttore di materiali compositi Fibrelite ha sviluppato una nuova gamma di chiusini per l'accesso ai pozzetti, progettati per supportare il trasferimento di dati tra antenne sotterranee e fuori terra.
Uno degli usi principali dei chiusini intelligenti compatibili con l

Les tampons pour charges lourdes deviennent légers

Les tampons pour charges lourdes deviennent légers

Les tampons et couvertures conventionnels pour charges élevées sont lourds, sujet à la corrosion et difficiles à enlever et à repositionner. La question à laquelle sont confrontés les architectes et les bureaux d’études est de savoir comment conserver l’accessibilité et la résistance tout en améliorant la manutention, la durabilité et la performance.

¡La nube…cubierta!

¡La nube…cubierta!

Las tapas de composite diseñadas para los centros de datos en la nube reducen el tiempo de acceso a la infrestructura del cabledo de fibra óptica.

Remplacement des couvertures de tranchées par des tampons en fibre sur mesure conçus et réalisés par Fibrelite sur le site de Hinkley Point (A) centrale nucléaire, en cours de démantèlement

Magnox ouvre la voie de la manutention manuelle des couvertures de caniveaux dans l'industrie du nucléaire en spécifiant Fibrelite

Magnox a contacté Fibrelite pour fournir de nombreuses couvertures de trou d’homme et de tranchée pour remplacer les tampons dégradés en béton et en fonte existants. Ces travaux devaient être coordonnés et livrés dans un calendrier serré afin de fournir une solution sûre, efficace et cohérente dans le cadre des travaux de démantèlement entrepris à Hinkley Point A.

Fibrelite’s new Radio Frequency friendly manhole cover

Announcing Fibrelite’s New Generation Of Radio Frequency Friendly Manhole Covers – Designed For Remote Underground Monitoring

Fibrelite’s New Generation Cover
Following increasing demand for Radio Frequency (RF) friendly manhole covers, composites manufacturer Fibrelite has developed a new range of manhole access covers, designed to support data transfer between antennas underground and aboveground.
One of the primary current uses of RF/smart manhole covers is as part of (real-time) remote underground monitoring sy

Fibrelite’s new Radio Frequency friendly manhole cover

Announcing Fibrelite’s New Generation Of Radio Frequency Friendly Manhole Covers – Designed For Remote Underground Monitoring

Fibrelite’s New Generation Cover
Following increasing demand for Radio Frequency (RF) friendly manhole covers, composites manufacturer Fibrelite has developed a new range of manhole access covers, designed to support data transfer between antennas underground and aboveground.
One of the primary current uses of RF/smart manhole covers is as part of (real-time) remote underground monitoring sy

Fibrelite’s new Radio Frequency friendly manhole cover

Announcing Fibrelite’s New Generation Of Radio Frequency Friendly Manhole Covers – Designed For Remote Underground Monitoring

Fibrelite’s New Generation Cover
Following increasing demand for Radio Frequency (RF) friendly manhole covers, composites manufacturer Fibrelite has developed a new range of manhole access covers, designed to support data transfer between antennas underground and aboveground.
One of the primary current uses of RF/smart manhole covers is as part of (real-time) remote underground monitoring sy

Fibrelite’s new Radio Frequency friendly manhole cover

Announcing Fibrelite’s New Generation Of Radio Frequency Friendly Manhole Covers – Designed For Remote Underground Monitoring

Fibrelite’s New Generation Cover
Following increasing demand for Radio Frequency (RF) friendly manhole covers, composites manufacturer Fibrelite has developed a new range of manhole access covers, designed to support data transfer between antennas underground and aboveground.
One of the primary current uses of RF/smart manhole covers is as part of (real-time) remote underground monitoring s

New OPW Case Study Book Featuring 120 Technical Installations

New OPW Case Study Book Featuring 120 Technical Installations

OPW, a Dover company is pleased to announce their second edition case study book, a library of 120 technical installations, with 40 new projects appearing in this edition. Projects span 90 countries and 16 industry sectors.

Zájem železničního průmyslu o kompozity narůstá

Zájem železničního průmyslu o kompozity narůstá

V rámci vládní iniciativy mající za cíl zaměřit se na otázky, které jsou pro cestující nejdůležitější, se má během následujících šesti let vynaložit 47,9 miliard liber na provoz, údržbu a obnovu železnic. Podle předpovědí Iniciativního fóra pro kompozity (Composites Leadership Forum) se má v letech 2015 až 2020 používání kompozitních materiálů v oblasti železničního průmyslu zvýšit až o 40%.

The Cloud...Covered!

The Cloud...Covered!

Lightweight composite access covers designed for cloud and data centres speed-up access to underground infrastructure and fibreoptic cabling

The Cloud…Covered!

The Cloud…Covered!

Lightweight composite access covers designed for cloud and data centres speed-up access to underground infrastructure and fibreoptic cabling

Load Bearing Access Covers Are Going Lightweight

Load Bearing Access Covers Are Going Lightweight

Conventional load-bearing access and manhole covers are heavy, liable to corrosion and difficult to install and remove. The question facing modern architects and developers is how to retain the accessibility and strength, but improve upon the practicality, durability and performance.

Fibrelite Trenwa Partnership Goes from Strength to Strength UK

Fibrelite Trenwa Partnership Goes from Strength to Strength UK

​Since 1960 the composites industry has grown 25X[1] as industry after industry adapt their light, strong hard wearing qualities to create higher performance products than previously possible. The US is leading the charge with the second largest market for composites globally (after China)[2].

Fibrelite Trenwa Partnership Goes from Strength to Strength US

Fibrelite Trenwa Partnership Goes from Strength to Strength US

Since 1960 the composites industry has grown 25X[1] as industry after industry adapt their light, strong hardwearing qualities to create higher performance products than previously possible. The US is leading the charge with the second largest market for composites globally (after China)[2].

Fibrelite has formed strategic partnerships with a number of major precast manufacturers in the USA and Europe

Concrete and Composites: A Powerful Partnership

At the end of 2016, the UK government unveiled a record infrastructure spend pipeline of £500 billion-plus, £300m of which will be invested by 2020/21 . Composite materials play a growing role in this, with expected growth in the construction industry of 42-78% by 2020 (to £510-640m) and £1240-1520m by 2030 .

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A global leader in fluid handling, management, monitoring and control solutions

​OPW is a global leader in fluid handling, management, monitoring and control solutions for the safe and efficient handling of fluids from the refinery to the commercial and retail points of consumption, including loading systems, rail and transport tank truck equipment, tank gauging, fuel management systems, valves, fittings, underground and above ground storage tank equipment, spill containers, overfill prevention devices, secondary containment sumps and flexible piping, commercial and retail fueling dispensers and electronic POS systems, swivels, breakaways, and nozzles for virtually all fuel types, including LPG, Hydrogen and CNG. OPW also designs and manufactures touch-free and friction car wash systems. OPW has 3,850+ employees with manufacturing operations in North America, Europe, Brazil, China and India and sales around the world.


Snaygill Industrial Estate Keighley Road, Skipton North Yorkshire
BD23 2QR