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KPS Introduces Lightweight Electrostatically Safe 6” Piping System To Make High-Flow Fuel & Chemical Transport Simpler & Safer

KPS Introduces Lightweight Electrostatically Safe 6” Piping System To Make High-Flow Fuel & Chemical Transport Simpler & Safer

Introducing the world’s first 6” (160/200mm) double wall conductive HDPE piping system. This new system, a world first, has been designed to combine KPS piping’s industry-leading safety and installer-friendly qualities with a high flow rate of up to 2,500 litres/minute to meet demand from applications including depots, fuel distribution, ports, mining, rail, data centres and many more.

Zájem železničního průmyslu o kompozity narůstá

Zájem železničního průmyslu o kompozity narůstá

V rámci vládní iniciativy mající za cíl zaměřit se na otázky, které jsou pro cestující nejdůležitější, se má během následujících šesti let vynaložit 47,9 miliard liber na provoz, údržbu a obnovu železnic. Podle předpovědí Iniciativního fóra pro kompozity (Composites Leadership Forum) se má v letech 2015 až 2020 používání kompozitních materiálů v oblasti železničního průmyslu zvýšit až o 40%.

Záujem železničného priemyslu o kompozity narastá

Záujem železničného priemyslu o kompozity narastá

V rámci vládnej iniciatívy majúcej za cieľ zamerať sa na otázky, ktoré sú pre cestujúcich najdôležitejšie, sa má počas nasledujúcich šiestich rokov vynaložiť 47,9 miliárd libier na prevádzku, údržbu a obnovu železníc.

 Rail Industry Investment in Composites on the Rise

Rail Industry Investment in Composites on the Rise

Over the next six years, £47.9 billion is set to be spent on the operation, maintenance and renewal of railways as part of a government initiative to become more focused on issues that matter most to passengers. The use of composites within the rail industry is predicted to grow by up to 40% (£100 million ) between 2015 and 2020 according to the Composites Leadership Forum.

A global leader in fluid handling, management, monitoring and control solutions

​OPW is a global leader in fluid handling, management, monitoring and control solutions for the safe and efficient handling of fluids from the refinery to the commercial and retail points of consumption, including loading systems, rail and transport tank truck equipment, tank gauging, fuel management systems, valves, fittings, underground and above ground storage tank equipment, spill containers, overfill prevention devices, secondary containment sumps and flexible piping, commercial and retail fueling dispensers and electronic POS systems, swivels, breakaways, and nozzles for virtually all fuel types, including LPG, Hydrogen and CNG. OPW also designs and manufactures touch-free and friction car wash systems. OPW has 3,850+ employees with manufacturing operations in North America, Europe, Brazil, China and India and sales around the world.


Snaygill Industrial Estate Keighley Road, Skipton North Yorkshire
BD23 2QR