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Challenging the international lighting industry

Flickerfree LED-engines does not have to carry a great load of drivers anymore. With the new Ada Flickerfree LED-engine from Optoga retail spotlights can be designed sleek, small and safe. "We are specialized and work in a niche, so in the mass market we will never be a great player. But for all luminaire manufacturers who want the best light source, we will be number one”
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Stefan Larsson

Presskontakt Founder/CEO +46589490960

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Challenging the international lighting industry

Flickerfree LED-engines does not have to carry a great load of drivers anymore. With the new Ada Flickerfree LED-engine from Optoga retail spotlights can be designed sleek, small and safe. "We are specialized and work in a niche, so in the mass market we will never be a great player. But for all luminaire manufacturers who want the best light source, we will be number one”