Press release -

Finnish cities take the lead in using AI to reach their sustainability targets

Cities worldwide are facing severe challenges living up to the targets stipulated in the Paris agreement. Finnish cities are no exception, but maybe the difference lies in how they embrace new technologies, digitalization, and the use of open data to reach their targets.

According to the United Nations, buildings stand for close to 40% of all CO2 emissions globally. So, reducing energy consumption in its public buildings is a top priority for cities around the world.

Nuuka, a Nordic Proptech company with an AI software that controls and optimizes buildings' HVAC- systems (Heat, Ventilation, and Air conditioning), has now signed agreements with the first five Finnish cities to start pilots for their public buildings, and several other cities are expected to join soon.

"We are proud to see so many Finnish cities connecting their buildings to our open platform to reduce energy consumption and ensure optimal and healthy indoor conditions for their citizens," says Olli Parkkonen, Head of Business Development at Nuuka. "By letting AI first learn from the buildings, and then constantly predict and optimize the systems, we are expecting significant energy efficiency improvement, while simultaneously guaranteeing great indoor climate. It will make a significant contribution to their sustainability targets".

Another positive effect of letting AI continuously optimize the systems is that the maintenance organization does not need to look for deviations or malfunctions manually. The system will automatically tell you when something needs attention—freeing time for the staff to perform more qualified tasks.

"One of our City customers calculated that they spend 5,000€ per building and year, just on manually optimizing the systems on-site—something the AI will do instead. So, the return on investment is not only in reduced emissions and saving energy. That comes on top", continues Olli Parkkonen.

Among the cities and municipalities working with Nuuka, we find both bigger, as the city of Helsinki, and smaller, like Pori city with its 87,000 inhabitants. The five cities have all started pilots, with two to six representative public buildings, such as schools, kindergartens, and office buildings, to ensure a good spread and evaluation basis. The plan is to run the pilots for up to 12 months and then evaluate the results before connecting the rest of the cities' public buildings.

Nuuka's cloud-based AI Air solution connects to any BMS and HVAC systems regardless of brands and includes all necessary sensors to secure a swift implementation. And the service is not only for Cities. Nuuka also connects large real estate owners and retail chains.

For more information:

Olli Parkkonen, Head of Business Development, Nuuka Solutions Oy

+358 50 4941484,

Lasse Väisänen, HVAC engineer, city of Pori


  • Building, property


  • #smartcity
  • #proptech
  • #sustainablebuildings
  • #safebuildings
  • #smartbuilding
  • #sustainablecities

Nuuka Solutions is a global software company for large property owners, cities, and retail. We develop and deliver digital services, such as AI, based on a realtime data platform for smart, sustainable buildings. The result is increased energy efficiency, reduced costs, automated sustainability reporting, and the opportunity for better user experience. Our hardware-independent platform collects, analyzes, and controls all real-time data and integrates with all traditional real estate systems, IoT sensors, or cloud solutions. The Nuuka platform is implemented in 3000 buildings in six countries.


Susanne Hedblom

Press contact Managing Director +46 076 17 64 604

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