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The Non-Violence Project Foundation and The Charlie Chaplin Museum Foundation with Chaplin’s World support are strengthening their partnership throughout 2021

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The Non-Violence Project Foundation and The Charlie Chaplin Museum Foundation with Chaplin’s World support are strengthening their partnership throughout 2021

The collaboration between the organizations, started last October and planned for the whole year of 2021, aims at celebrating the 80th anniversary of Chaplin’s movie “The Great Dictator”. The movie’s famous final speech honors strong values such as hope, tolerance, respect and humanism shared by both NVPF, CCMF and CW. NVPF, along with Amnesty International Swiss Section, has been appointed as partner of the year on this specific initiative and fully supports all the activities including #LetUsAllUnite, a global campaign organized by Chaplin’s World, to promote the values cherished by Chaplin himself.

The partnership aims also at delivering educational activities led by NVPF which mission is to use education to prevent and reduce all forms of violence. Various workshops have been planned for the year to come targeted to children, teenagers and adults to explore the messages, values and relevancy of The Great Dictator’s speech.

Compatibly with the health situation, 12 workshops involving children from 6 to 11+ years old divided in groups according to their age range, should take place next Spring in the Museum’s premises thanks to the CCMF cultural program. NVPF will give its ”Train the Trainer” to CW’s staff to ensure consistency of workshops and enabling the Museum to gain NVPF’s methodology, developed for over 27 years now. A roundtable for adults on relevant topics is currently under discussion.

Blaise Oberson, CEO of NVPF, stated: «we are truly thrilled of this partnership over The Great Dictator 80’s anniversary with the Charlie Chaplin Museum Foundation and Chaplin’s World’s support. We are honored to support Charlie Chaplin’s values and spread the word on the benefits of peaceful behaviors, all the more in these difficult times where violence has dramatically increased in so many countries. We are looking forward to working with the Charlie Chaplin Museum Foundation and Chaplin’s World to serve this cause. »

Béatrice de Reyniès, Chaplin’s World Managing Director and member of the Charlie Chaplin Museum Foundation’s board, added: « for this year celebrating the 80th anniversary of the film "The Great Dictator", the Charlie Chaplin Museum Foundation, supported by Chaplin's World, is honored to partner with an institution such as The Non-Violence Project Foundation defending the same humanist values as those of Charlie Chaplin. The Knotted Gun, their world-famous sculpture, has become a strong symbol of peace and tolerance that echoes Chaplin's approach of talking about universal themes in an accessible way. If the health situation permits, we will have the pleasure of offering workshops to be held at Chaplin's World for the younger generation. These workshops will address the theme of non-violence and the tools that enable their application in everyday life. "The Great Dictator" will thus play the role of artistic illustration to evoke this theme.»

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The Non-Violence Project Foundation (NVPF) is a non-profit organisation with a mission to inspire, motivate and engage young people to learn how to solve conflicts peacefully. NVPF was founded in 1993 in Switzerland and has educated more than 8 million young people, teachers, and sports coaches on five continents. 

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We inspire, motivate and engage people to learn how to solve conflicts peacefully through raising awareness and education.

The Non-Violence Project Foundation empowers people with creative tools and skills to cultivate awareness and understanding of non-violence, enabling them to overcome violence, leading to a virtuous cycle of positive impact. We believe that knowledge is power, and that creativity can help unlock the full potential of this power through skill-based learning and learning tools that are more engaging, impactful, and relevant to the needs of today and tomorrow.

We have educated more than 9 million people on five continents since the organisation was founded in 1993 in Switzerland. Our education programs and outreach initiatives have won several awards for best practise. President Obama awarded NVP the ”President’s Call to Service Award” in 2011. Other awards include the Presidential Daily Light Award, received by President Bill Clinton, the Paul Harris Fellow Award given by Rotary International, the American National Safety Council Award for best practise and the Weed & Seed Award given by US Justice Department in 2009.

It is thanks to our 30-year legacy, symbol of the Knotted Gun, innovative methods, and a growing community of change advocates like you that we can shape a more peaceful and non-violent world.

We are a non-profit based in Geneva, Switzerland, but operating globally, which means you can join us wherever you are.

For more information about us and our initiatives please visit or contact us at

The Non-Violence Project Foundation

Avenue Louis Casaï 18
1209 Geneva