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Information to the press: The Nobel Days at the Nobel Peace Center

Sunday 8 December 
The Nobel Peace Center is open to the public. The exhibition What the World Eats and the permanent installations are available to all, the 2013 Nobel Peace Prize lauretate exhibition is only open to the press. 
10am-6pm: Press viewings in the 2013 Nobel Peace Prize laureate exhibition.
Individual interview appointments are possible by appointment.

Monday 9 December 
The Nobel Peace Center is closed to the public, but open to the press. 
10am-5pm: Press viewings in the 2013 Nobel Peace Prize laureate exhibition.
Individual interview appointments are possible by appointment. 

6-9pm: For media setting up outside on the City Hall Square, the Nobel Peace Center’s entrance doubles as a warming hut.

Tuesday 10 December
11am: Save the Children’s Peace Prize Party takes place inside the Nobel Peace Center.
Open to Nobel accredited media, provided that you register in advance.
Contact Save the Children’s press advisor, Mai Simonsen, on phone no. +47 90952645 or e-mail:

1pm: Live transmission of the 2013 Nobel Peace Prize Ceremony on a big screen inside the Nobel Peace Center. Open to the public and to anyone unable to access City Hall.
Free entry. Doors open 30 minutes before.

On this day the Nobel Peace Center is open to the public only between 12.30pm and 2pm.

For a comprehensive overview of all Nobel related events as well as details on press accreditation for the Peace Prize ceremony, see the website of the Norwegian Nobel Institute.  

11 December 
10am-12.30pm: Press viewings in the 2013 Nobel Peace Prize laureate exhibition.
Individual interview appointments are possible by appointment.

4:15pm-6.15pm: Opening of the 2013 Nobel Peace Prize laureate exhibition.
The event is by invitation only. NOTE: Press pool due to space limitations.
General Nobel accreditation is not valid, prearrangements necessary.
Contact Information Advisor Kirsti Svenning on e-mail: or mobile: +47 95191315

12 -30 December
The 2013 Nobel Peace Prize laureate exhibition opens to the public as of 12 December at noon. In the period between 12-30 December it is free entry for all and daily guided tours to celebrate this year’s Nobel Peace Prize laureate OPCW.

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  • Art, Culture, Entertainment


  • press information
  • nobel days
  • opcw
  • laureate
  • nobel peace prize
  • photography
  • exhibition
  • nobel peace center

The Nobel Peace Center presents the Nobel Peace Prize laureates and their work, in addition to telling the story of Alfred Nobel. It is an arena for debate and reflection around topics such as war, peace and conflict resolution. The Nobel Peace Center works where politics and culture intersect, and the Center is internationally recognized for its emphasis on documentary photography and interactive technology. Changing exhibitions, engaging digital solutions, films, seminars and events make for a varied and exciting experience. 

The Nobel Peace Center is an independent foundation, with the Norwegian Nobel Committee appointing the board. Geir Lundestad is the leader of  the board, Bente Erichsen is the Executive Director. The Nobel Peace Center is financed by a combination of public and private funds. Main sponsors and collaborating partners are Hydro, Telenor Group, ABB and The Football Association of Norway (NFF). 


Ingvill Bryn Rambøl

Press contact Head of Information Press Contact, web editor +47 92 45 29 44

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