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Emily Herring
Emily Herring

Forelesning: Time Beyond Measure: Henri Bergson and the Power of Intuition // Emily Herring

Dato 29. april 2020 18:30 – 19:30

Sted TKM Bispegata

Forelesning: Time Beyond Measure: Henri Bergson and the Power of Intuition // Emily Herring
Beyond Measure

Emily Herring is a historian of biology and philosophy. She grew up in Paris and received a BA in philosophy from the Sorbonne in 2012 and an MA in the history and philosophy of science from Paris Diderot University in 2014. She recently completed her PhD at the University of Leeds on the reception of Henri Bergson’s philosophy of life among 20th-century biologists.



Anna Kvitka

Anna Kvitka

Pressekontakt Kommunikasjonsansvarlig 91 91 88 86

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