eDreams ODIGEO lists on the Spanish stock exchange

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eDreams ODIGEO lists on the Spanish stock exchange

Barcelona - - eDreams ODIGEO, the world’s largest online travel company in the flight sector and the largest publicly traded European e-commerce company by profitability, with more than 14 million customers in 42 countries worldwide, has today listed on the Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao and Valencia Stock Exchanges. The company will use the ticker symbol '“EDR'”.
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eDreams ODIGEO lists on the Spanish stock exchange

Barcelona - - eDreams ODIGEO, the world’s largest online travel company in the flight sector and the largest publicly traded European e-commerce company by profitability, with more than 14 million customers in 42 countries worldwide, has today listed on the Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao and Valencia Stock Exchanges. The company will use the ticker symbol '“EDR'”.