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TCL øker i Norden – Opptil 120 % i segmentet storskjermer i 4. kvartal 2022

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TCL øker i Norden – Opptil 120 % i segmentet storskjermer i 4. kvartal 2022

TCL Electronics opplever økende vekst i segmentet for storskjermer. Det globale salget av smartskjermer på 65 tommer eller mer økte med 75 % globalt, og tilsvarende tall for Norden i det siste kvartalet av 2022 steg 120 prosent sammenlignet med samme kvartal året før.

TCL Electronics, Oslo, 14. februar 2023 – TCL Electronics, et av verdens raskest voksende varemerker for forbrukerelektronikk, har nylig presentert sitt globale salgsvolum for 2022. Resultatet for smartskjermer ble hele 23,78 millioner i 2022. Veksttrenden er fortsatt sterk i det globale markedet, og salget økte 32,2 prosent sammenlignet med fjerde kvartal året før.

Også i det nordiske markedet opplever TCL en reell økning i salget av storskjermer. TCL oppnådde en 75 % økning i omsetningen i Norden i 2022, og en økning på 52 % i antallet enheter i kategorien smartskjermer på 65 tommer eller mer. Hvis vi isolerer det siste kvartalet i 2022, er økningen i omsetning på hele 120 % sammenlignet med samme periode året før. Storskjermsegmentet sto for halvparten av hele TV-omsetningen i 4. kvartal 2022.

Den totale, gjennomsnittlige størrelsen på TCLs globale salg av smartskjermer økte med 3,4 tommer til 48,4 tommer, noe som viser en tydelig trend i det at forbrukere verden over ønsker seg større skjermer. En trend som TCL ser frem mot og kommer til å holde seg i forkant av.

– Disse flotte tallene for Norden er veldig hyggelig lesning for oss, ikke minst med tanke på den satsingen og det tydelige fokuset vi har hatt på å utvikle nettopp storskjermer, med våre nyeste QLED- og Mini LED-modeller. Flere og flere konsumenter velger en større TV for å få større opplevelser hjemme. Det er tydelig at vi har truffet blink her, sier Johan Huss, Country Manager for TCL Nordics.

For mer informasjon: Les mer i den komplette pressemeldingen på engelsk nedenfor.

TCLE (01070.HK) Sells 23.78 Million Smart Screens in 2022
Growth Trend Remains Strong in the PRC Market with Sales Increased by 32.2% Year-On-Year in Q4

Hong Kong, February 1, 2023 - TCL Electronics Holdings Limited (“TCL Electronics" or the "Company", 01070.HK) announced today its global sales volume for 2022. Sales volume of TCL smart screens increased by 0.8% year-on-year, reaching 23.78 million sets in 2022, of which 7.16 million sets were sold in the fourth quarter, an improvement of 9.7% year-on-year. As TCL continues to advance its dual-brand strategy with FFalcon and further optimize its online and offline channels, its sales volume in China continues to grow at a high rate. In the fourth quarter of 2022, the sales volume of TCL smart screens in the PRC market increased by 32.2% year-on-year.

Thanks to continuous product upgrades empowered by technological improvements, largescreen and mid-to high-end products are gaining more and more favor from customers. In 2022, TCL large-sized smart screens witnessed a significant sales growth. Sales volume of 65 inches and above smart screens increased by 75.7% year-on-year, accounting for 19.3% of the overall sales volume with a year-on-year growth of 8.2 percentage points. The overall average size of TCL smart screens being sold increased by 3.4 inches year-on-year to 48.4 inches, showing an obvious trend towards large screens.

As a pioneer in Mini LED technologies, TCL Electronics launched a number of new Mini LED products in the global market in 2022 that are highly recognized by consumers and the industry. In December last year, two TCL Mini LED 4K smart screens, 75C935 and 75C835, won the CES®2023 Innovation Awards for their striking innovative design and advanced Mini LED display technologies. In the recently announced "Global Top Brands" awards, TCL QD-Mini LED Smart Screen X11 and TCL C845 4K Mini LED TV won the "Award for Innovative Mini LED Display of the Year" and the "Gold Award for New Generation Display Technology", respectively. In 2022, TCL Mini LED smart screens experienced leapfrogging development, with sales volume rising significantly up by 26.8% year-on-year globally.

In the PRC market, sales volume of TCL smart screens increased by 21.3% year-on-year in 2022, with the proportion of large-sized ones continued to climb to a record high. In 2022, sales volume of TCL 65 inches and above smart screens increased by 85.0% in the PRC market, with its proportion of the overall sales volume increasing by 16.6 percentage points year-on-year to 43.6%; in terms of TCL 75 inches and above smart screens, its proportion of the overall sales volume also increased by 13.3 percentage points year-on-year to 21.2%. The average size of TCL smart screens sold in the PRC market rose from 52.4 inches to 56.9 inches, a significant increase of 4.5 inches year-on-year.

In the international market, factors such as inflation and geopolitics are still affecting the global economy, and the increasing cost of living has made demand relatively weak in some terminal consumer markets. As a result, the sales volume of TCL smart screens dropped slightly in the international market in 2022, but it kept climbing up in the third and fourth quarters, recording a year-on-year increase of 2.6% in the second half of the year. By region, sales volume in emerging markets1 grew by 10.4% year-on-year in 2022, with sales in the Philippines, Turkey and Indonesia increasing by 43.0%, 52.3% and 62.0% year-on-year, respectively. The unit market share of TCL smart screens remained No.1 in the Philippines, Australia and Pakistan2. Sales volume in Europe also recorded positive growth, up by 5.3% year-on-year, with sales in Benelux3and the UK increasing by 41.3% and 53.8% year-on-year, respectively. North American market recorded decline due to the previously excessive demand caused by the pandemic. However, the unit market share of TCL smart screens in the U.S. continued to increase with its ranking firmly remaining in the second place4.

In addition to smart screens, TCL Electronics launched a number of new products such as smart tablet with eye protection features, smartphones and glasses in 2022, among which, TCL RayNeo Air XR smart glasses won the VR/AR Innovation Award at the 2022 World VR Industry Conference. The total sales volume of small and medium-sized display products of TCL Electronics reached 16.44 million sets in 2022.

In the all-category marketing business, TCL Electronics' strong brand influence and channel advantages accelerated the growth of its global distribution of ACs, refrigerators and washing machines. TCL Air Conditioner insists on taking the new track of fresh air system as the breakthrough point for its air conditioner business. At the end of 2022, the Company launched the new product Fresh-IN III with a two-way air replacement mechanism for maximum fresh air, introducing the concept of "breathable fresh air" to consumers. As for refrigerators and washing machines, TCL Q10 Grid Refrigerator and TCL twin cabin washing machine released in October 2022 were awarded the "Technology Innovation Award" and "Design Innovation Award" by the China Household Electric Appliance Research Institute by virtue of their unique innovative technologies, and their technical strength was recognized by the industry.

In 2023, TCL Electronics will continue to pursue the strategy of “Value Led by Brand with Relative Cost Advantage”. The Company will strengthen its advantages in the global market, precipitate higher value brand competitiveness, and actively implement its all-category development strategy for an “intelligent IoT ecosystem”, striving to bring more comfort to consumers and become a world-leading enterprise of smart devices.

Sales Data for the Year 2022 (Unaudited)


1 Emerging markets include Asia Pacific, Latin America as well as Central and East Asia.
2 Source: Gfk, data collected from January to November, 2022.
3 Belgium, the Netherland and Luxemburg.
4 Source: NPD, data collected from January to November, 2022.



Om TCL Electronics
TCL Electronics ble grunnlagt for 40 år siden og har vokst til å bli et av verdens største selskap innen forbrukerelektronikk. TCL driver egne produksjons- og FoU-sentre over hele verden med produkter som selges i over 160 land, og er rangert som nummer to målt etter globalt TV-salgsvolum i 2021. TCL spesialiserer seg på forskning, utvikling og produksjon av forbrukerelektronikk, alt fra TV-er og lydprodukter til smart hjemmeelektronikk. www.tcl.com


Hanna Glaas

Hanna Glaas

Pressekontakt PR & Communication, TCL Nordics +46 70 210 80 01
Sebastian Skarp

Sebastian Skarp

Pressekontakt Retail Marketing Manager Nordics +46 72 184 14 44

TCL Electronics – Inspire Greatness

TCL Electronics er et av verdens største selskaper innen forbrukerelektronikk. Siden oppstarten i 1981 har TCL stått for kreativitet og innovasjon – og dette er fortsatt stikkordene som viser veien videre. Vinner av flere prestisjetunge priser flere år på rad, blant annet for beste TV 2023/2024, er TCL representert over hele verden. Vi fortsetter vår reise for å forbedre folks hverdag med smarte produkter og førsteklasses opplevelser. Innovasjon for alle - til en god pris.

Les mer på www.tcl.com.