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TCS elevates the important community work of Business for Peace Foundation with new website

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TCS elevates the important community work of Business for Peace Foundation with new website

Tata Consultancy Services has been supporting the international foundation as part of a pro bono project to help non-profits raise their digital presence.

Business for Peace Foundation (BfP) has engaged Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) to develop a new website for the non-profit foundation. The new solution will help to highlight the important work of the Foundation as they scale the effort to recognize, inspire, and accelerate businessworthy leadership.

TCS has provided support as part of a pro bono ‘Community Innovation’ project to help non-profit actors raise their digital presence. The project has been carried out by volunteer employees at TCS and resulted in a completely new website for the foundation. The collaboration started during the pandemic, which presented both challenges and opportunities.

BfP works to inspire and recognize leaders that actively contribute to positive change in society through their business-worthy actions. BfP is home to the Oslo Business for Peace Award, positioned as the highest societal recognition a businessperson can achieve for outstanding businessworthy leadership. The Award is conferred annually to outstanding individuals from around the global business community who are leading the way by ethically creating value for all stakeholders.

To succeed with our work, we depend on contributions from businesses such as TCS, who have both the vision and the necessary expertise to help us,” says Marius Døcker, Managing Director of Business for Peace.

"Although the pandemic was a challenging time for us, as for many others, there was also a period where the relevance of what we are doing increased among many business actors. TCS had the patience and commitment that we needed during this time, and we are incredibly grateful for the help and for lifting our work through the contribution,” says Marius Døcker.

Watch Business for Peace and TCS talk more about the project here.

TCS as a company has a long history of assisting on pro bono projects, but this is the first time the company has worked on a project with a Norwegian player. The goal of the Community Innovation projects is to help non-profit actors with technology services that provide lasting value for the organization and the work they do. The website TCS has developed for BfP is the start of a new engagement strategy that will help the foundation take its purpose out to even more partners.

"We are very pleased to be able to help lift the good work Business for Peace Foundation is doing. Their purpose is fully in line with our own values, and therefore it was not difficult to say yes to a cooperation," says Rajan Maheshwari, Country Head TCS Norway.

The Oslo Business for Peace Award is bestowed by an independent Award Committee consisting of Nobel Laureates in Peace and Economics. The committee receives nominations through a global, bottom-up process in partnership with the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the UN Global Compact (UNGC) and the Principles for Responsible Investments (PRI). The Award Ceremony takes place each spring in the Oslo City Hall, venue of the Nobel Peace Prize.

The future brings a lot of exciting things for BfP, as the Foundation works closely with several UN agencies and other partners to create more awareness of the crucial role of business in building a more peaceful and sustainable world for everyone.

"In cooperation with the UN and our global nomination partners, we are now working to establish a new global business arena here in Oslo where investors, board chairs and business leaders can meet with the UN and other social actors to address some of the most pressing challenges of our time. The rapid restructuring we need, will only take place if the entire business sector is fully engaged and embrace a businessworthy mindset," says Marius Døcker.

About TCS’s CSR work:

We believe in building greater futures by connecting people to opportunities in the digital economy. It is an ethos in keeping with the values of our parent company, the Tata group. The work we do is driven toward creating a fairer and more equitable world for all.

This includes providing opportunities for students in school to learn about technology and IT, through their goIT program. In 2022, this involved almost 1000 students in Europe. In Norway, TCS provides the goIT program to Dibber as well as the innovation and technology skills center, INNO-SCI.

TCS has carried out Community Innovationprojects in several of the markets where they have offices. Including assisting Ecpat in Sweden, Business for Peace in Norway and Astrid Lindgren’s Children’s Hospital in Sweden.

TCS strategic CSR programs served 2.04 million people in 2022, among them 1.1 million women, 580k youth and 1.3 million marginalized people.


Om Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. (TCS)

TCS er et globalt konsulentselskap som tilbyr IT- og ingeniør-tjenester, integrert med forretningsløsninger. I over 55 år har TCS samarbeidet med flere av verdens største selskaper gjennom deres digitale transformasjonsreiser. Som del av Tata-gruppen, Indias største multinasjonale konsern, har TCS over 614,000 av verdens beste konsulenter i 55 land. Selskapet inntektsførte USD 27,9 milliarder for regnskapsåret avsluttet 31. mars, 2023, og er børsnotert på BSE Limited (tidligere Bombay Stock Exchange) og NSE (National Stock Exchange) i India. TCS sin proaktive holdning til klimaendringer og prisvinnende samfunnsengasjement rundt om i verden har gitt dem en plass på topplister innen bærekraft, slik som Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI), MSCI Global Sustainability Index og FTSE4Good Emerging Index. For mer informasjon, se www.tcs.com.

Om TCS Nordic

Konsulentselskapet Tata Consultancy Services har vært til stede i Norden siden 1991 og har omtrent 20.000 ansatte som jobber med kunder i Sverige, Finland, Norge, Danmark. I løpet av de siste 14 årene har TCS blitt rangert som den beste leverandøren av IT-konsulenttjenester i Norden hvert eneste år av sine kunder. TCS har også blitt kåret til Top Employer i Norge 9 år på rad av uavhengige Top Employer Institute.

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Roland Bägén

Roland Bägén

Pressekontakt Nordic Head of Marketing & Communication 0046703178024

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Om Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. (TCS)

TCS er et globalt konsulentselskap som tilbyr IT- og ingeniør-tjenester, integrert med forretningsløsninger. I over 56 år har TCS samarbeidet med flere av verdens største selskaper gjennom deres digitale transformasjonsreiser. Som del av Tata-gruppen, Indias største multinasjonale konsern, har TCS over 601,000 av verdens beste konsulenter i 55 land. Selskapet inntektsførte USD 29 milliarder for regnskapsåret avsluttet 31. mars, 2024. TCS sin proaktive holdning til klimaendringer og prisvinnende samfunnsengasjement rundt om i verden har gitt dem en plass på topplister innen bærekraft, slik som MSCI Global Sustainability Index og FTSE4Good Emerging Index. For mer informasjon, se www.tcs.com.

Om TCS Nordic

Konsulentselskapet Tata Consultancy Services har vært til stede i Norden siden 1991 og har omtrent 20.000 ansatte som jobber med kunder i Sverige, Finland, Norge, Danmark. I løpet av de siste 15 årene har TCS blitt rangert som den beste leverandøren av IT-konsulenttjenester i Norden hvert eneste år av sine kunder. TCS har også blitt kåret til Top Employer i Norge 10 år på rad av uavhengige Top Employer Institute.

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0484 Oslo

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