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For the past three weeks, 24 pupils from grades 6-8 at Oslo International School have been focusing on IT and app development. Last week they presented their solutions to a societal problem for a panel of judges of IT experts from TCS Norway.
For the past three weeks, 24 pupils from grades 6-8 at Oslo International School have been focusing on IT and app development. Last week they presented their solutions to a societal problem for a panel of judges of IT experts from TCS Norway.

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Students got challenged on digital innovation and app development

This spring, 24 pupils at Oslo International School have participated in the three-week learning programme, TCS goIT. Under the guidance of both teachers and IT experts from Tata Consultancy Services, they have had the chance to test the waters as IT experts and produced apps to solve a chosen societal problem related to the UN's sustainability goals. The winning team impressed the jury with their digital solution to sustainability goal 7: Clean energy for all.

− Together with TCS, we have taken a combined software-and-hardware approach to problem solving within the UN's sustainability goals. At Oslo International School, we believe in the importance of innovative, digital solutions to solve the challenges of the future. We also want to increase the proportion of girls in technology and have great faith in experience-based learning and education, says teacher and Digital Skills Programme Developer at Oslo International School at Bekkestua, Angus Reith.

Angus Reith (right) together with country head for TCS Norge, Rajan Maheshwari (left) and Rishikesh Deole from TCS Norway (center). Reith is a teacher and Digital Skills Programme Developer at Oslo International School at Bekkestua and a developer of innovative pedagogical approaches to learning.

The digital innovation programme, goIT, is a CSR initiative by the IT company Tata Consultancy Services, which aims to increase interest in science and technology, commonly referred to as STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics). Over three weeks, volunteer IT experts from TCS have coached teachers and students in both programming and IT design. The 24 students were divided into four teams that finally presented their digital solutions to a societal problem related to the UN's 17 sustainability goals.

The winning team impressed the jury with its solution to sustainability goal 7: Clean energy for all. The students presented the app Powersafe. Combined with Microbits, the app measures energy consumption. The app also notifies you if any lights are left on when you’re out, and lets you turn them off through the app. The goal of the app is to help people reduce energy consumption and consequently reduce the electricity bill.

High demand for IT talents in Norway

According to the teacher, Angus Reith, the programme has increased the motivation of the students, and he has no doubt that the school has several future technology entrepreneurs in its ranks.

− The students have shown high motivation. Through goIT, they gained a deeper understanding of how a modern working life works, and we see how practical application is both an effective and engaging way of learning. For us adults, we have also learned to never underestimate the expertise of the students. These young people are no more than 11-14 years old but grew up in a digital society and are extremely creative. The solutions they presented on Friday were both innovative and socially relevant. Among them, there are several tech talents who can make their mark on the digital solutions of the future, says Reith.

There has been focus on the lack of IT expertise for years now. Skills and knowledge that will be particularly valuable in the workforce of the future and are in high demand throughout the Nordic region.

− The figures show that we need around 40,000 IT experts by 2030 in Norway alone. Through goIT and other initiatives, we hope to stimulate interest in STEM and digital transformation among young people, and thus reduce the skills gap, says Rajan Maheshwari, country manager for TCS Norway.

There was a good atmosphere in the room during the students' presentations. Bikramjit Singh (center) is one of the volunteer IT experts from TCS Norway who has trained the students. He is very impressed with the level the young boys and girls show. F.l: Rakesh Rajagopalan Nair, Bikramjit Singh, Ragavan Varadaradjane.

We also learn from the students

TCS has completed goIT since 2017 and tell us that the learning goes both ways.

− Even though we are the IT experts, these students show enormous creativity and talent. Combined with an innovative mindset and a good societal understanding, we at TCS also gain new insights and new ideas from them. The benefits of these three weeks go both ways, and it is incredibly rewarding, says Bikramjit Singh, one of TCS' volunteering IT experts who was clearly excited about the young people's skills.


About Tata Consultancy Services (TCS)

Tata Consultancy Services is an IT services, consulting and business solutions organization that has been partnering with many of the world’s largest businesses in their transformation journeys for over 50 years. TCS offers a consulting-led, cognitive powered, integrated portfolio of business, technology and engineering services and solutions. This is delivered through its unique Location Independent Agile™ delivery model, recognized as a benchmark of excellence in software development.

A part of the Tata group, India's largest multinational business group, TCS has over 592,000 of the world’s best-trained consultants in 46 countries. The company generated consolidated revenues of US $25.7 billion in the fiscal year ended March 31, 2022, and is listed on the BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange) and the NSE (National Stock Exchange) in India. TCS' proactive stance on climate change and award-winning work with communities across the world have earned it a place in leading sustainability indices such as the MSCI Global Sustainability Index and the FTSE4Good Emerging Index.

Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) in the Nordic region

TCS was established in the Nordic region in 1991 and currently has 20 000 employees working for customers in Sweden, Finland, Norway and Denmark. For the past 13 years, TCS has been ranked as the best provider of IT consulting services in the Nordics by its customers. TCS has also been named Global Top Employer for seven consecutive years by Top Employers Institute.

For more information, visit www.tcs.com

About goIT:

goIT is Tata Consultancy Services' (TCS) engagement program for pupils and students with the goal of empowering tomorrow's digital innovators. Through goIT, students get to design people-centered solutions by utilizing technology for innovation and social good. This is done through a standard-adjusted engaging curriculum where students are introduced to the innovation cycle, product prototyping and industry-relevant entrepreneurial skills. goIT is a digital innovation program that engages and introduces students to science, computer science, design and innovation. The program is free for all participants.


Roland Bägén

Roland Bägén

Pressekontakt Nordic Head of Marketing & Communication 0046703178024

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Om Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. (TCS)

TCS er et globalt konsulentselskap som tilbyr IT- og ingeniør-tjenester, integrert med forretningsløsninger. I over 56 år har TCS samarbeidet med flere av verdens største selskaper gjennom deres digitale transformasjonsreiser. Som del av Tata-gruppen, Indias største multinasjonale konsern, har TCS over 601,000 av verdens beste konsulenter i 55 land. Selskapet inntektsførte USD 29 milliarder for regnskapsåret avsluttet 31. mars, 2024. TCS sin proaktive holdning til klimaendringer og prisvinnende samfunnsengasjement rundt om i verden har gitt dem en plass på topplister innen bærekraft, slik som MSCI Global Sustainability Index og FTSE4Good Emerging Index. For mer informasjon, se www.tcs.com.

Om TCS Nordic

Konsulentselskapet Tata Consultancy Services har vært til stede i Norden siden 1991 og har omtrent 20.000 ansatte som jobber med kunder i Sverige, Finland, Norge, Danmark. I løpet av de siste 15 årene har TCS blitt rangert som den beste leverandøren av IT-konsulenttjenester i Norden hvert eneste år av sine kunder. TCS har også blitt kåret til Top Employer i Norge 10 år på rad av uavhengige Top Employer Institute.

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