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Norway Post selects TCS to drive its strategic transformation

·Six year, Multi-million deal to make postal services more competitive

·Part of Norway Post’s strategic vision to be the world’s most
future-oriented mail and logistics group

Mumbai, March
25 2013:
Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) (BSE: 532540,
NSE: TCS), a leading IT services, consulting and business solutions firm today
announced that it has been selected by Norway Post to drive its strategic transformation
by leveraging Information Technology (IT). The contract encompasses delivery of
a wide range of application development and support services across Norway
Post’s core portfolio of 55 applications.

 Through this
Next Generation Initiative, Norway Post is implementing a structured
multi-sourcing model to drive efficiency and support their Nordic Integrated
business strategy. The Post delivers over 36 million packages and 2.2 billion
letters every year. Apart from being selected to deliver application services
across the core postal value chains, TCS has also been entrusted to coordinate
and drive the overall transition and transformation program across multiple
vendors. The services will be delivered through its Travel, Transportation and
Hospitality group, which has developed significant capability in the Post and
Parcel segment.

 “The Postal industry is one of the
most impacted by the disruptive power of technology, wherein growth of emails,
social media and mobile messaging has impacted traditional business models. Conversely,
there are tremendous new growth opportunities for this industry by leveraging
the transition towards the new digital consumer.  Postal companies need to re-imagine their
business model and get access to new age partners and capabilities that can
help them change seamlessly, while they perform their daily operations. Norway
Post is on the forefront of this change and TCS is pleased to have been selected
as a strategic partner to accelerate this journey.” said Amit Bajaj, Head of North
Europe at TCS.


TCS’ Nordic operations (an operating area cutting
across Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark and Iceland) comprise over 5000
professionals, servicing leading Nordic companies such as Nokia, Ericsson, TDC,
ABB, Telenor, NETS and SAS. TCS was recently recognized by a KPMG survey of 340
top Nordic companies as the number one company in terms of customer
satisfaction for the third consecutive year.


AboutNorway Post (Posten Norge)

 Norway Post is a Nordicmail and logistics group that develops and delivers complete solutions within postal services, communications and logistics, with the Nordic area as its
local market. Established in 1647, Posten Norge is an integral part of the
Norwegian Society’s Infrastructure delivering over 36 million parcels and 2.2
billion letters each year. The Group has over 20 000 talented and
quality-conscious employees who live to deliver and find new paths. 








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Tata Consultancy Services isan ITservicesconsulting and business solutions organization that delivers real results to global business,ensuring a level of certainty no other firm can match. TCS offers a consulting-led, integrated portfolio of ITBPO,infrastructureengineering and assurance
. This is delivered through its unique Global Network Delivery Model™, recognised as the
benchmark of excellence in software development. A part of the Tata group, India’s largest industrial conglomerate, TCS has over 276,000 of the world’s best-trained consultants in 44 countries. The company generated consolidated revenues of US $11.6 billion for year ended March 31, 2013 and is listed on theNational Stock Exchange and Bombay Stock Exchange in India. For more
information, visit us at www.tcs.com.




Roland Bägén

Roland Bägén

Pressekontakt Nordic Head of Marketing & Communication 0046703178024

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TCS er et globalt konsulentselskap som tilbyr IT- og ingeniør-tjenester, integrert med forretningsløsninger. I over 56 år har TCS samarbeidet med flere av verdens største selskaper gjennom deres digitale transformasjonsreiser. Som del av Tata-gruppen, Indias største multinasjonale konsern, har TCS over 601,000 av verdens beste konsulenter i 55 land. Selskapet inntektsførte USD 29 milliarder for regnskapsåret avsluttet 31. mars, 2024. TCS sin proaktive holdning til klimaendringer og prisvinnende samfunnsengasjement rundt om i verden har gitt dem en plass på topplister innen bærekraft, slik som MSCI Global Sustainability Index og FTSE4Good Emerging Index. For mer informasjon, se www.tcs.com.

Om TCS Nordic

Konsulentselskapet Tata Consultancy Services har vært til stede i Norden siden 1991 og har omtrent 20.000 ansatte som jobber med kunder i Sverige, Finland, Norge, Danmark. I løpet av de siste 15 årene har TCS blitt rangert som den beste leverandøren av IT-konsulenttjenester i Norden hvert eneste år av sine kunder. TCS har også blitt kåret til Top Employer i Norge 10 år på rad av uavhengige Top Employer Institute.

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