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TCS BaNCS named a Best In Class Provider in Three Categories of CEB TowerGroup’s Core Banking Diagnostic anatomy

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TCS BaNCS named a Best In Class Provider in Three Categories of CEB TowerGroup’s Core Banking Diagnostic anatomy

"TCS BaNCS received “Best-in-Class” ratings in 3 out of 4 categories of CEB TowerGroup’s Core Banking Diagnostic anatomy, reflecting both the breadth and depth of the product’s offering as well as its proven reliability in serving as the central processing engine at some of the largest banks globally.

TCS BaNCS earned perfect marks in the Customer Centricity category, where we noted how the solution’s entire process framework was constructed around the individual customer to drive maximum flexibility and configurability for banks to service and maintain relationships. Likewise in the Operational Efficiency category, TCS BaNCS received another perfect score. Here the high rating not only was supported by the solution’s modern and highly scalable service oriented architecture, but also its inclusion of a suite of business user-friendly BPM and administration tool that enable business agility. Finally, TCS’ resource base and experience serving one of the largest core banking client bases made the provider a top contender in Enterprise Support."

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Roland Bägén

Roland Bägén

Pressekontakt Nordic Head of Marketing & Communication 0046703178024

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