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TOURSPAIN invites you to be part of the Horizons for Tourism Tech at TIS - Tourism Innovation Summit 2022

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TOURSPAIN invites you to be part of the Horizons for Tourism Tech at TIS - Tourism Innovation Summit 2022

Turespaña invites you to Tourism Innovation Summit 2022, the global summit of innovation and technology for the travel and tourism sector, the place to be for any tourism professional that is aimed to understand how to face and perform better the daily challenges, get a better look on new consumer habits, create better experiences, discover new trends and solutions to transform their organization or learn from others travel strategies some insights to adapt to itself.

Participate at Tourism Innovation Summit 2022 from 2 to 4 of November in Seville (Spain) and be part of the conversation of the New Horizons for Tourism Tech.

We are pleased to invite you to a 50% discount for the Gold Pass (3 -days), valued at 795 Euros, or the Silver Pass (1- day) valued at 375 €, using this free code applied in the following link:

The Gold Pass gives you access to:

  • the showroom area
  • all the program of conferences and keynotes of the Tourism Innovation Global Summit
  • top keynotes and inspiring supersessions in our Main Auditorium
  • the vertical forums for each industry segment (Destinations of the Future, Hospitality Tech Forum, Travel & Tourism Transport, Distribution Channels, Business Travel, MICE & DMC's, Activities & Attractions, and Leisure & Culture)
  • the professional agenda that interest you the most (Ministerial Agenda, Tourism Councelors Agenda, Tourism General Managers Agenda, CMO's & CSO's Agenda, Digital & CIO's Agenda,...)
  • Touristech Startup Fest
  • VIP Lounge
  • the event app
  • A weekend full of activities to enjoy the hidden Seville

Find out success stories and the best strategies to boost your tourism business or destination

During three days, the Tourism Innovation Global Summit will gather C-Level executives and industry leaders that will share ideas, trends, strategies and successful experiences to inspire this fast decision-making era.A megatrends forum with an agenda designed specifically for each professional profile and segment of the industry.

Be featured by some of our amazing speakers

For special inquiries, please contact info@tisglobalsummit.com

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TURESPAÑA er et offentlig organ i Spania, underlagt Departementet for Industri, Handel og Reiseliv, og ansvarlig for markedsføringen av spanske destinasjoner og produkter i utlandet. Turespaña har et nettverk bestående av 33 kontor fordelt på de viktigste markedene i verden. Kontoret i Oslo er ansvarlig både for det norske og det islandske markedet.


Spanias Turistkontor

Spanias Turistkontor

Pressekontakt Generelle henvendelser 22837679 Spanias Turistkontor

Velkommen til Spanias Ambassade Turistavdelingen.

TURESPAÑA er et offentlig organ i Spania, underlagt Departementet for Industri, Handel og Reiseliv, og ansvarlig for markedsføringen av spanske destinasjoner og produkter i utlandet. Turespaña har et nettverk bestående av 33 kontor fordelt på de viktigste markedene i verden. Kontoret i Oslo er ansvarlig både for det norske og det islandske markedet.

Spanias Ambassade Turistavdeling

Arbinsgate 2
0253 Oslo