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The improvement of the epidemiological situation in Spain and the developing progress in the vaccination roll-out, both in Spain and in many countries around the world, make it possible to ease the measures for entry into Spain for tourist purposes. The new regulations, described in this document, will come into force on 7 June. The main new features are: the acceptance of EU-approved rapid antigen tests and vaccination and recovery certificates for travellers from the European Union and European Economic Area countries, as well as the opening to tourists from non-EU countries with vaccination certificates. 

So, I am travelling to Spain from a European Union (EU) or European Economic Area (EEA) country, like Norway, what health documentation do I need to enter? You will have to check the LIST OF EUROPEAN UNION/EUROPEAN ECONOMIC AREA COUNTRIES and LIST OF THIRD COUNTRIES published and updated every 15 days by the Spanish Ministry of Health:

A (Risk area).   If you come from an area included in the EU/EEA list of countries at risk, you must certify one of these three requirements (except for children under 6 years of age):

  • Certificate of vaccination: issued by the competent authorities of the country of origin from 14 days after the date of administration of the last dose of the complete vaccination schedule. The vaccines accepted shall be those authorised by the European Medicines Agency or those that have completed the World Health Organisation’s emergency use process.         

         The certificate shall include at least the following information:

           - Name and surname of the holder

           - Date of vaccination, stating the date of the last dose administered

           - Type of vaccine administered

           - Number of doses administered/complete schedule

           - Issuing country

           - Identification of the institution issuing the vaccination certificate

  • Diagnostic certificate: a negative PCR or PCR-like test(NAAT type) or a negative antigen test of those included in the common list of the European Commission, issued within 48 hours prior to arrival in Spain.

  • Certificate of recovery (proof that the disease has been overcome): issued by the competent authority or a medical service at least 11 days after the first NAAT-type diagnostic test (PCR, TMA, LAMP or similar) with a positive result. The validity of the certificate shall expire 180 days from the date of sampling. It shall include at least the following information:

           - Name and surname of the holder

           - Date of sampling of the first positive diagnostic test for SARS-CoV-2

           - Type of NAAT test performed

           - Issuing country

 Any of these three certificates must be in Spanish, English, French or German. If it is not possible to obtain the original certificate in any of these languages, the document must be accompanied by a translation into Spanish by an official authority.

B (No Risk area). If you come from areas of the EU/EEA not included in the LIST OF EUROPEAN UNION/ EUROPEAN ECONOMIC AREA COUNTRIES and LIST OF THIRD COUNTRIES of the Ministry of Health, you will not be asked for any diagnostic test or certificate of vaccination or immunity.

No matter where you came from, please take into account:

  • What documentation/form do I need to fill in? Regardless of your country of origin, all passengers arriving in Spain by air or sea, including those in transit and children under 6 years of age, must complete a health control form before their departure using the website www.spth.gob.es or the Spain Travel Health app. By filling in the form, a QR code is generated, which the traveller must show to the transport company before boarding, as well as at the health control checks at the point of entry into Spain.
  • What are the health checks on arrival? They will include at least temperature taking by non-contact thermometers or thermographic cameras; documentation check and a visual check on the passenger’s condition. Passengers with an EU COVID Digital Certificate and those coming from countries not considered at risk (both European and third countries) will obtain a FAST CONTROL QR code that gives access to faster health checks, as they will not have to show the certificate either at boarding or at the health check on arrival.
    Upon confirmation or suspicion that a passenger may be suffering from COVID-19, the existing communication protocols with the health services of the Autonomous Regions will be activated for referral and follow-up.
  • What if I enter Spain as a passenger on an international cruise? Passengers on international cruise ships sailing in territorial waters will not have to use the Spain Travel Health application, but their information will be collected through the EU Digital Passenger Locator Form application, available through the following link https://www.healthygateways.eu/.
  • What if I enter Spain by land? All people aged 6 years or older from countries or areas at risk arriving in Spain by land must have one of the documents (certificate of vaccination, diagnostic test or recovery) specified in the first section of this document.


TURESPAÑA er et offentlig organ i Spania, underlagt Departementet for Industri, Handel og Reiseliv, og ansvarlig for markedsføringen av spanske destinasjoner og produkter i utlandet. Turespaña har et nettverk bestående av 33 kontor fordelt på de viktigste markedene i verden. Kontoret i Oslo er ansvarlig både for det norske og det islandske markedet.


Spanias Turistkontor

Spanias Turistkontor

Pressekontakt Generelle henvendelser 22837679 Spanias Turistkontor

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Velkommen til Spanias Ambassade Turistavdelingen.

TURESPAÑA er et offentlig organ i Spania, underlagt Departementet for Industri, Handel og Reiseliv, og ansvarlig for markedsføringen av spanske destinasjoner og produkter i utlandet. Turespaña har et nettverk bestående av 33 kontor fordelt på de viktigste markedene i verden. Kontoret i Oslo er ansvarlig både for det norske og det islandske markedet.

Spanias Ambassade Turistavdeling

Arbinsgate 2
0253 Oslo