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The Norwegian airline Widerøe starts operating at the Alicante-Elche Miguel Hernández Airport
The Norwegian airline Widerøe starts operating at the Alicante-Elche Miguel Hernández Airport

Pressemelding -

A new way to fly to Alicante & Costa Blanca

The Alicante-Elche Miguel Hernández Airport has inaugurated on the last 20th of November a new flight connection to Bergen ran by the Norwegian company Widerøe, which operates for the first time in Alicante. 

The airline, a 87-year-old company steps out of its "comfort zone" and begins to explore new horizons. Historically focused on national flights, it has a large presence in the Nordic Countries. In 1989 it began its first international destinations and since then it has been focused on Denmark, Sweden, Germany and the United Kingdom.

The company, will operate this connection every Saturday, with arrival times at 12:15 and departures at 13:05, using for it an Embraer aircraft with capacity for 114 passengers. It is worth mentioning that the Spanish airports of Alicante and Málaga are the ones with more regular connections with Norway.

To celebrate this new connection with the city of Bergen, also known as “the heart of the Norwegian Fjords”, the Alicante-Elche Miguel Hernández Airport has prepared a small event together with members of the Widerøe crew and the head of Airport Management Office, Soraya Pina. Likewise, an inaugural gift has been distributed among the first passengers of the company in Alicante.



TURESPAÑA er et offentlig organ i Spania, underlagt Departementet for Industri, Handel og Reiseliv, og ansvarlig for markedsføringen av spanske destinasjoner og produkter i utlandet. Turespaña har et nettverk bestående av 33 kontor fordelt på de viktigste markedene i verden. Kontoret i Oslo er ansvarlig både for det norske og det islandske markedet.


Spanias Turistkontor

Spanias Turistkontor

Pressekontakt Generelle henvendelser 22837679 Spanias Turistkontor

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TURESPAÑA er et offentlig organ i Spania, underlagt Departementet for Industri, Handel og Reiseliv, og ansvarlig for markedsføringen av spanske destinasjoner og produkter i utlandet. Turespaña har et nettverk bestående av 33 kontor fordelt på de viktigste markedene i verden. Kontoret i Oslo er ansvarlig både for det norske og det islandske markedet.

Spanias Ambassade Turistavdeling

Arbinsgate 2
0253 Oslo