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Smurfit Kappa announces new partnership with World Wildlife Fund Colombia to enhance forestry conservation

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Smurfit Kappa announces new partnership with World Wildlife Fund Colombia to enhance forestry conservation

Smurfit Kappa Colombia has announced a new alliance with the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Colombia to highlight the protection and conservation of forests in the country. Under the new partnership, both organisations will work together to restore, expand and protect forests and ecosystems that are the habitat of several species of flora and fauna.

This will be done through continued promotion of sustainable practices within the forestry industry, increased surveillance systems to crack down on illegal logging and working closely with Colombian national parks.

WWF is one of the leading global conservation organisations with 6 million members and operations in more than 120 countries across the world.

The alliance is a further example of Smurfit Kappa’s commitment to the highest sustainability standards in relation to both the environment and the communities in which it is based. The partnership will also see the use of the WWF branding of the iconic panda on the commercial paper bags produced by Smurfit Kappa Colombia. The paper bags, which are manufactured using virgin paper from renewable wood which is sourced from commercial forestry plantations, are 100% recyclable and biodegradable and have FSC© certification.

Commenting on the new alliance, Juan Guillermo Castaneda, CEO of Smurfit Kappa The Americas, said: “This new alliance is further proof that sustainability is at the core of our business and that Smurfit Kappa has a deep commitment to the circular economy and contributing to the communities in which we operate.”

Alvaro Jose Henao, CEO of Smurfit Kappa Colombia, added: “We are proud to be working with WWF Colombia to protect forests, mangroves, flora and fauna in the country because we both recognise how vital they are to our existence.”

Sandra Valenzuela, COO of WWF Colombia, said: “Since 1961, the WWF has worked to develop innovative solutions that protect people, communities and wildlife so we are delighted to have formed this partnership with Smurfit Kappa Colombia.”

More than half of Colombia is covered by forests. Smurfit Kappa has forestry of 68,000 hectares of which 43,000 are renewable commercial plantations and the remainder are protected natural forests. Smurfit Kappa Colombia is the custodian of more than 22,000 hectares of Colombian natural forests which are home to 41 endangered species, including the Andean bear.

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Smurfit Kappa Group har rundt 46 000 ansatte ved cirka 350 produksjonssteder i 35 land, og omsatte for 9 milliarder euro i 2019.

Les mer: smurfitkappa.no og smurfitkappa.se

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Johnny Scarlett

Johnny Scarlett

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Wenche Ravlo

Wenche Ravlo

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Smurfit Westrock, en global leder innen bærekraftig papir og emballasje.

Smurfit Westrock Norge er den norske emballasjevirksomheten i Smurfit Westrock. Vi tilbyr emballasje og produkter i bølgepapp og massiv papp, samt effektive emballasjeløsninger. I nært samarbeide med våre kunder utvikler vi innovative, kostnadseffektive og attraktiv emballasje, produkter og displayer som styrker kundens varemerke. Vi har produksjon i Scandinavia.

Som en ledende emballasjeleverandør arbeider vi aktivt med en visjon om bærekraft som skal minimere avtrykket i alle ledd. Samtlige av våre papirbaserte produkter er laget med fornybar råvare og er 100% gjenvinnbar. Vi har følgende sertifikater ISO 9001, 14001 og FSC®.

Smurfit Westrock over 100 000 ansatte ved over 500 konverteringsvirksomheter og 63 papirfabrikker i 40 land.

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