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Signicat offers new digital customer onboarding solutions in Germany through the national digital identity service, nPA

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Signicat offers new digital customer onboarding solutions in Germany through the national digital identity service, nPA

Signicat is the first international business to be certified to provide digital access to nPA

Signicat, the Norwegian-founded company, now offers identity verification and authentication services with integrated support for the new German digital identity card, Neue Personalausweis (nPA), similar to Norway's BankID. Signicat is the first international business to be certified as an Identification Service Provider and second only to Germany’s Bundesdruckerei- the manufacturer of banknotes, passports, and identity cards.

The nPA national identity cards are issued to citizens and residents in Germany. Every card issued since 2017 has come with an associated electronic identity (eID), with an estimated 37 million cards being activated by the end of 2020 and a total of 80 million nPA—95% of the German population-issued by 2027. The nPA eID meets the strictest verification requirements of the European eIDAS regulation, and is accepted in all EU member states.

Organisations from heavily regulated industries (such as financial services, insurance, or healthcare), or those that have a strong need to mitigate fraud in their online customer engagements can now work with Signicat to streamline their digital customer onboarding and secure recurring authentication requirements in Germany.

This verification means Signicat is now qualified to read identity card data as a service provider. Practically speaking, this means a consumer can hold their card up to an NFC-enabled device, such as a smartphone or card reader, to digitally onboard where this service is offered e.g. though the APIs of Signicat's Digital Identity Hub.

“As one of only a few companies authorised to read nPA identity data—and the first international provider—we can provide our customers with digital onboarding solutions that combine maximum convenience and robust security” said Asger Hattel, Signicat CEO. “This certification not only means that we can serve customers in Germany in need of our identity offerings, but also our existing customers now have a partner to help them expand into Germany.”

Signicat's products and solutions meet the highest level of trust according to German guidelines and European eIDAS regulation. The flexibility of Signicat’s Digital Identity Platform can be adapted and integrated to meet the individual requirements of customers from a wide range of industries—including a secure digital onboarding process, identity verification services and regulatory compliance solutions.



Based in Trondheim, Norway, and founded in 2007, Signicat operates the largest digital identity hub in the world, offering the only complete identity platform in the market, trusted to reduce the burden of compliance in highly regulated industries. With Signicat, institutions can build and leverage existing customer credentials to connect users, devices and even ‘things’ across channels, services and markets transforming identity into an asset rather than a burden. By ditching manual, paper-based processes and replacing them with digital identity assurance, customer on-boarding is accelerated and access to services is made simple and secure. Signicat has over 500 financial services and other organisations as clients, connects to more than 20 schemes globally and verifies more than 20 million transactions per month.


Alba Zaragoza

Alba Zaragoza

Press contact Communications Manager +34648839894

Welcome to Signicat!

Signicat er en nyskapende, paneuropeisk bedrift innen digital identitet med en unik merittliste i verdens mest avanserte markeder for digital identitet. Bedriften ble grunnlagt i 2006 og har som mål å bygge teknologi som skaper tillit mellom mennesker i en digital verden. Signicat sin digital-identitet-plattform implementerer verdens mest omfattende samling av systemer for identitetsverifisering og -autentisering med enkel tilgang gjennom ett enkelt integreringspunkt. Plattformen støtter og dirigerer sømløst gjennom hele identitetsprosessen, fra gjenkjenning til registrering, via innlogging og innhenting av samtykke og til juridisk bindende avtaler mellom bedrifter – og alt har motstått tidens tann. I 2019 ble Signicat oppkjøpt av Nordic Capital, et ledende europeisk private equity-selskap. I dag består Signicat av over 450 engasjerte fagfolk fordelt over 17 europeiske kontorer.

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