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41% of European consumers unable to access financial services during lockdown

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41% of European consumers unable to access financial services during lockdown

New research from Signicat has revealed that 41% of consumers across Europe have been unable to access new financial services thanks to a combination of pandemic lockdown restrictions and lack of access to digital options. The research of over 4000 consumers also discovered that two-thirds expect improvements following these poor experiences. One of these improvements should be 100% digital onboarding of customers.

With many bank branches closed in recent months, and movement limited for most people to short essential trips, access to financial services in person has been limited like never before. Many consumers have turned to online and mobile channels, but a large number have found this impossible.
SG_BattleToOnboard_registeration_page_illustration_vrs4COVID-19 as a catalyst for 100% digital onboarding

When asked what they thought of financial service providers that didn’t allow remote digital onboarding without the need to visit a branch, only 20% were understanding of this limitation, while a third couldn’t see why fully digital onboarding wasn’t possible in 2020. Two thirds of respondents saw COVID-19 as a catalyst for 100% digital onboarding with only 14% disagreeing, saying that they did not expect financial service providers to be more digital due to COVID-19.

SG_BattleToOnboard_registeration_page_illustration_vrs3The findings, due to be released in the upcoming report The Battle to Onboard 2020: The impact of COVID-19 and beyondcome at a crucial inflection point for financial service providers. 70% of those surveyed had an account with a digital-first financial service provider such as a challenger bank, and 69% of those considered it to be better than more traditional services. Those dissatisfied with their experience under lockdown are more likely than ever to move to a mobile-first account. With most consumers using a mobile service and enjoying the experience, traditional providers are more at risk than ever from consumers moving their day-to-day finances to challengers.

SG_BattleToOnboard_registeration_page_illustration_vrs1“Our regular research into consumer attitudes around digital onboarding has found that financial services have struggled to keep up with consumer demands in the later years,” said Asger Hattel, CEO, Signicat. “One of the effects of the pandemic has been to bring this into sharp focus, turning a desire for digital services into a desperate need. Consumers expect to be digital customers which are, according to big banks, 2-3 times more profitable and more loyal than branch-only customers.”

“The majority of consumers want the option of banking 100% digitally, including the initial application and onboarding. Digital onboarding is in fact crucial, as consumers will see it as a preview of the service—a poor user experience will lead to many abandoned applications.

The survey reflects the findings of the 11:FS Insight Report on COVID-19, which saw the short term impact as a sharp increase in digital banking coupled with cash, ATM, and branch use plummeting.

The research is part of the fourth instalment of Signicat’s regular Battle to Onboard report, which covers attitudes to digital onboarding more broadly and is due to be released later this year. If you’d like to receive a copy of “The Battle to Onboard IV: The impact of Covid 19 and beyond” when it is released, please register.



Based in Trondheim, Norway, and founded in 2007, Signicat operates the largest digital identity hub in the world, offering the only complete identity platform in the market, trusted to reduce the burden of compliance in highly regulated industries. With Signicat, institutions can build and leverage existing customer credentials to connect users, devices and even ‘things’ across channels, services and markets transforming identity into an asset rather than a burden. By ditching manual, paper-based processes and replacing them with digital identity assurance, customer on-boarding is accelerated and access to services is made simple and secure. Signicat has over 500 financial services and other organisations as clients, connects to more than 20 schemes globally and verifies more than 20 million transactions per month.


Alba Zaragoza

Alba Zaragoza

Press contact Communications Manager +34648839894

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Signicat er en nyskapende, paneuropeisk bedrift innen digital identitet med en unik merittliste i verdens mest avanserte markeder for digital identitet. Bedriften ble grunnlagt i 2006 og har som mål å bygge teknologi som skaper tillit mellom mennesker i en digital verden. Signicat sin digital-identitet-plattform implementerer verdens mest omfattende samling av systemer for identitetsverifisering og -autentisering med enkel tilgang gjennom ett enkelt integreringspunkt. Plattformen støtter og dirigerer sømløst gjennom hele identitetsprosessen, fra gjenkjenning til registrering, via innlogging og innhenting av samtykke og til juridisk bindende avtaler mellom bedrifter – og alt har motstått tidens tann. I 2019 ble Signicat oppkjøpt av Nordic Capital, et ledende europeisk private equity-selskap. I dag består Signicat av over 450 engasjerte fagfolk fordelt over 17 europeiske kontorer.

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