Pressemelding -

Vattenfall signs contract with Sariba Consulting

We are happy to announce that Vattenfall has signed a contract with Sariba and our department Customer Excellence. Sariba will assist Vattenfall within SAP HCM for the Nordic region. Vattenfall is a leading European energy company, which for over 100 years has electrified industries, supplied electricity to people’s homes and modernized how we live by focusing on innovation and cooperation.

Vattenfall is Sweden’s largest producer of fossil-free electricity and the company aims to enable a fossil-free living within one generation. Hence the transition to renewable energy and climate-smart solutions are at the top of the agenda.

Marita Johansen, customer manager for Vattenfall in Sariba, has the following to say about our new customer:

«I am both proud and happy to welcome Vattenfall as a customer at Sariba Customer Excellence. This collaboration marks our investment and presence in the Swedish market. Sariba has several skilled consultants in Swedish payroll and HR, and we look forward to start the collaboration with Vattenfall. Together we will create good solutions and value for the customer».

Customer Excellence is Sariba’s department for customer follow-up. Among the services we provide, you will find both support and payroll services. These are areas we focus on in order to take care of our customers throughout the customer journey, even after projects have been completed.

If you want to know more about Customer Excellence, you can read more about this here. You are of course also welcome to contact Marita Johansen.

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  • Miljø, energi


  • hr-system
  • hr
  • support
  • sap hr

Sariba AS er et konsulenthus som lever av å gjøre hverdagen enklere og bedre ansatte, ledere og for deg som jobber innen HR. Dette gjør vi ved å levere produkter, tjenester og rådgivning innen HR-Strategi, HR-Prosesser og HR-Teknologi.

Vi startet opp i år 2000 og har i år 21 årsjubileum. Det er vi selvsagt veldig stolte av. Vi kan, med hånden på hjertet si, at vi i løpet av de to siste tiårene har opparbeidet oss verdifull dybde- og breddeerfaring innen HR-faget. Vi har vært med på hele digitaliseringsreisen og kjenner derfor til de utfordringene dette har gitt, samt hvilke enorme gevinster de som har deltatt på reisen har høstet.


Marita Johansen

Consultant Manager Projects 99399586 LinkedIn profil

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